
Friday, December 21, 2012

Brand New Blog!

I know... The last thing I need is another blog; however, I wanted something that I could dedicate strictly to crafting.

I've always loved to craft things.  Most of the time, they were little pointless knickknacks when I was a child.  As I've grown older, so has my love for crafting.  Luckily, I've learned to turn crafts from pointless little knickknacks meant only to take up space into useful things.  (Well, most of the time.)

I like to dabble in all kinds of crafts.  Recently, I've taught myself to knit and crochet, so I'm working with that.  I've always been a fan of drawing and painting, though I consider myself lacking talent.  From hot glue, to sewing, to Duct Tape, I'm a fan of it all and -- thanks to the internet -- I can learn how to do it.

Not only can I learn how to do it, but you can, too.  Therein lies the purpose of Let's Craft Something!  I'm going to try my best to post my crafts and tutorials on how to make them yourself.  If it's a craft that I have found online and am replicating, I will be happy to share the original crafter's work and give credit where credit is due.

If you have suggestions of a craft, feel free to comment and let me know!  If you would like to share one of my crafts, feel free, but remember to link back to me.  If you would like to be featured, I'd be happy to do so; just leave a comment or send me an email.

Happy crafting!

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