
Monday, May 27, 2013

Musing Mondays: New Phone and More!

I finally decided on a new phone.  I went to pick a few things up from Walmart and it just to happens that our Verizon store is located in front of Walmart.  I sighed and thought, "Well, since I'm here..."  I went in, talked to one of the people there, gave them my three choices (Droid DNA, Nokia Lumia, or Samsung Galaxy S4).  The Lumia was quickly knocked from the list  -- nothing against it!  Then it was narrowed down to the DNA or S4.  Finally, she pointed out that they were the same price.  She held a DNA and took my name so that she could reserve an S4 when the shipment got in and I would be able to make up my mind overnight.  The next day, I got a Galaxy S4.

If you haven't heard about all the neat features, here is a link to a Cnet review.  It's the one with the neat little sensor on the front so that you can gesture and it will scroll.  It also has smart scroll so when you're reading, it will move the page automatically.  It has the neat photobomber eraser option, too.  Of course, I'm still loving the simple upgrades like the 13 megapixel camera and a front camera.  I haven't upgraded in that long.

The same night, I also participated in what I call, "the most redneck thing I have done in my entire life."  You see, I'm from Alabama -- the home of the rednecks.  I also like to think that I am not a redneck and generally try to steer clear of things that are thought of as such.  I went crawfishing.  And, no, that doesn't entail sitting with a fishing pole or anything of the sort, for those who are unfamiliar with the concept.  I mean, strapped on mud-boots and waded around through a drained lake at night armed with a glove, flashlight, and bucket. Am I afraid to get dirty?  No.  It's just that the mud, at points, was practically as deep as the too-big mud-boots I was wearing.  I kept getting suction stuck!  The glove was because I am a chicken and didn't want the little things grabbing onto my skin.

All-in-all, was it fun?  Yes.  I only caught one or two -- the people we went with told us it wasn't an ideal time to go, despite them getting about a bucket full of crawfish.  They're planning a few more trips out, I think, before they have their annual crawfish boil.  They said they probably needed at least three more bucketfuls.  I told them that anything I catch is pure profit for them -- I'm a vegetarian.

Unfortunately for me, Zach left on Sunday for a trip down to the beach.  He and his younger brother are going to visit their cousin for a few days.  I apparently have until Wednesday by myself.  (Well, not technically by myself, but you know what I mean.)  Maybe I'll be productive... At least that's what I keep telling myself.

It's probably just going to be more of this.  That blood dragon scared me.  I paused to heal and noticed this beautiful -- yet scary -- screenshot.  Seriously, if you haven't played Skyrim, you should.

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  1. Talk about making a huge upgrade! How long did you have your old phone? Phones don't last with me due to clumsiness, which is cause for regrets because I know I could sell some old gadgets for some good money if I took better care of them.

  2. I had my Droid R2D2 since about 2010, I think. I had been eligible for an upgrade for a bit, so I think that's relatively accurate. I probably would have kept it longer if I hadn't had so many issues with it. It would randomly turn itself off and on and I would receive text messages three or four times.
