
Monday, May 20, 2013

Musing Mondays: What Has Me Distracted

Well, it has been a week so far of me sticking with my blogging.  I feel like that's one small victory to celebrate, at least. Unfortunately, though, I haven't been keeping up with my crochet plarn bag as well as I should have.  I partially blame not feeling well, but for the most part, I blame Skyrim.  Yes, the video game that came out two years ago.

Zach and I are pretty big gamers, you see.  We had finally gotten back into Guild Wars 2, but it lacks the storyline that Zach craves.  To fix that, he started playing Skyrim again, and I sat around and watched for a while which was my biggest mistake.  I realized I had never beaten the game and that I had honestly not played very much of it due to school at the time.  I booted up my copy and lost four and a half hours the first night.  It pretty much continued sucking up my time.

Not that I spent my entire week playing Skyrim, though!  I've been having phone difficulties for longer than I would like to admit.  My phone is about three years old, so I can see why.  They're up to the what, Droid 4?  I'm still using the Droid R2D2, which is a special edition version of the Droid 2.  I've been eligible for upgrade for a while, but I absolutely hate shopping for cell phones these days!  After spending some time on the Verizon website, I narrowed it down to two phones: Nokia Lumia or the Droid DNA.  (Not that I didn't take time to consider the Galaxy S4 and its amazing features!)  Honestly, I'm leaning towards the DNA because I'm comfortable with Droid.  I don't know though...

I remembered how much of a love/hate relationship I have with Pinterest.  I love it because I find so many neat things on there; however, I hate it for the same reason.  I can waste so much time on there pinning things I will probably never make or use.  That's okay, though, because it's inspiration none the less!  Besides, who knows when you'll nee that recipe for air dried porcelain?  (Since I haven't progressed much on my bag, I may post some inspiration on Wednesday instead...)

While I was working on my bag at Zach's house, his twelve-year-old sister wandered upstairs to see what we were doing.  Being another who loves crafts, she saw my explosion of plastic bags as I was making more plarn and was fascinated.  She asked about the bag, how I was making it, and commented that she always thought things like that were neat.  I knew she was one of the only people that I could teach (because we are both left-handed) and took time out of working on my bag to teach her simple crochet.  I promised I would bring her a hook and a small skein of yarn for her to practice with.  In my opinion, that was better than working on the bag.

That's pretty much what you missed since last Monday.  See?  I promised I wouldn't write a novel just because it was free writing!  Be sure to check back for WIP Wednesday.

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