
Friday, June 14, 2013

Freebie Friday: Blog Planner!

Remember how I said I was making a blog planner that I could use?  Well, I got it pretty much finished.  I say "pretty much" because I feel like it's something I'll always be tweaking to some extent.  Seeing as I don't have sponsors, I don't have the need right now for a sponsors and expenses page as many blogging planners featured.

This is a 12 page download including a title page, table of contents, blog ideas page, blog to-do page, blog improvement page, monthly calendars, weekly planners, post planners, and blog stats. More may be added later. This file is in a Word document so that you can easily edit its contents to match your needs and likes.

Feel free to download it and edit as you see fit.  I just wanted one that fit my style a little more and included a few things.  If you improve upon it and don't mind sharing it with me, please do.  Mine was just made in Word (again, for right now).

If you want to download it, here is the link.  Enjoy your blog planning!

post signature

post border


  1. Omg, this is freaking perfect! I've just been making random notes on scrap papers that stay in a jumbled mess on the desk, and sometimes pieces get lost =/ This will officially declutter my desk!

  2. Yay! I'm glad I could be useful! Like I said, this was just made in Word, so feel free to edit it however you like. I've had this made for like a week, but I haven't printed it yet. Oops.
