
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

WIP Wednesday: The Closet Calamity Continued

I know you guys are probably already tired of hearing about my closet catastrophe, but I'm determined to clean the clutter and open up to organization this month!  That's right.  These things have been slowly driving me crazy, but I'm going to get them done so that I can move on to more important and more enjoyable things!  (Like maybe finishing that stupid plarn bag...)

So when we last left off with the closet, I had just installed my new shelves and hung my clothes back up.  Which was still amazing, but those darned sweaters that were folded at the top of the shelving unit was driving me insane.  Though they were folded, it still looked sloppy -- which makes sense because bulky sweaters usually don't like stacking nicely on one another.

You may have remembered me talking about wanting to put baskets up, but complaining about how expensive they were.  After poking around on Pinterest for a while, I ran into several dollar store crafts.  I took it as a sign and ran over to our local Dollar General.  (I wish we still had our Dollar Tree, but oh well.)  I spent a while debating their clear plastic totes, which isn't quite what I wanted, but almost settled for.  I turned around and the best thing jumped out at me.

A hanging closet.  I know, I know.  I was going for horizontal space, not vertical.  The dimensions were absolutely perfect if I turned it on its side.  Four feet long, twelve inches high, and twelve inches deep.  It was the exact amount of space that I had on the top shelf.

The only drawback was that it was made almost entirely out of cloth and looked like it would have fallen on its own.  But alas!  Only two shelves down were plastic clothes hangers.  I picked them up, judged the size, and decided I could easily cut them down and use them as plastic supports.

About an hour and $6 later, ta da!  A brand new sweater shelving unit that all of my folded sweaters easily fit into -- even the bulky ones!  (You know, for the maybe three days that it snows in Alabama...)

While I was at Dollar General, I also bought a picture frame.  Intending to keep my walls mostly clear, I thought my closet would be the perfect place for one of those chicken wire jewelery holders.  Again, this was another Pinspired craft, but it was set in motion when I saw chicken wire at Zach's house in their garbage left over from building their chicken coop.

A frustratingly long time later (because I had to go with the cheap picture frame) and $8 later, I had a new chicken wire picture frame to hang my jewelery on.

I daresay I'm nearly done with my closet.  The last big hurdle there is my shoes...still.

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