
Monday, July 29, 2013

Musing Monday: Harry Potter and the Party of Awesome

I like lame titles, forgive me.

Remember how I was talking about being all excited about my friend's Harry Potter themed birthday party?  Well, it finally happened.  I raided her Facebook page for pictures because I'm too lazy to upload them from my phone and she had more.

There was a cute little Platform 9 3/4 sign outside the door.  When we got inside, we exchanged our keys for a ticket on the Hogwarts express since there was alcohol being served.  (And hey, who's a better taxi service than Hogwarts?)

We got sorted when we got there.  There was a special chair for the sorting, ribbons to denote our houses, and the Sorting Hat told us it would be more fun to use a spinner to sort ourselves.  I'm making a sad face because I got Slytherin.  The birthday girl was the only one who got to choose her house since she had a Ravenclaw tie.

Here was the Great Hall complete with owls, floating candles, and horcruxes on the table.

All of the recipes came from the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook.  The cake was a replica of Harry's first birthday cake, complete with Hagrid butt-indention.  Dumbledore's Lemon Drops, Chocolate Frogs, Professor Slughorn's Bon-Bons, Bill and Fleur's Wedding Vol-au-Vents, Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans, Molly Weasely's Meat Pies, Truth Serum (Jell-o shots), and Butter Beer (which is butterscotch schnapps, cream soda, and marshmallow fluff) were pictured, but not included were our failed meat pies, and the wonderful Pumpkin Pasties.  Everything was made from scratch except for the Every-Flavor Beans and the drinks. 

Gotta work that food off somehow, right?  How about with a sporting game of Quidditch?  Or in this case, Quidditch Pong -- a slightly modified beer pong.  (The Quidditch hoops were made using plastic planters with dollar store tennis rackets taped on top and completely covered in foil tape.)  Unfortunately, you can't see her cute little Golden Snitch ping pong ball.

If you're feeling brave, there is also a Harry Potter drinking game.  I say brave because read those rules.  Someone says Voldemort?  Twins speak in unison?  An important character dies?  Hermione gets angry?  You'd be drunk so fast that the majority of a movie would be a blur.  Just thinking about it gives me a phantom hangover.

Although I didn't dress up, I did Potter my nails!  It doesn't look great because I'm no nail artist, but I thought it did a decent job at reflecting each house.  Index finger was Gryffindor, a crimson and gold (well, yellow) checkerboard.  Middle finger was Ravenclaw, a blue field with a bronze streak.  I know that in the books their colors were blue and silver, but the movie depicted blue and bronze; seeing as I have watched all the movies but not read all of the books, I thought it was suiting that I went with movie colors.  Ring finger was Hufflepuff, yellow and black stripes.  Pinky was Slytherin, green with silver sparkles and a silver tip.  Unfortunately the silver didn't show up too well.

My thumb nail looked terrible, so I didn't bother with trying to fight and get a picture of it.  I did a black background with a gold glitter lightning bolt.  The method seemed to work well, but they both ended up smudging before I could get a good picture.

I just wanted to share this amazing party with you all because I loved it so much.  So, happy birthday, Heather!  I hope you had as much fun as I did.

I leave you with a message to those of you who don't believe in magic:

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