
Monday, July 22, 2013

Musing Mondays: Back to Normal... I Think

Well, once again, I have failed to look into technology as much as I should.  I've been taking it for granted that after I schedule a post, it automatically publishes it.  I would be wrong.  I will henceforth remember that if I schedule a post, I must then click "publish".  There's my mental note to myself on that.

My life seems to have calmed down and resumed its regularly scheduled programming now.  I've been attending the some of shenanigans with Zach's family as they did their family vacation.  Monday we went to the water park.  Tuesday they went horseback riding -- which Zach and I missed it, though.  Wednesday morning they went canoeing, but running water isn't quite my bag; if something is living in the water such as fish, I don't much want to be in there with it.  Wednesday and Thursday, they went on a camping trip, which really isn't my bag, either.  They got back on Friday and we went to the river after lunch and went jet skiing on one of his mom's coworker's jet skis.  Saturday was for relaxing and they went to the movies to see Turbo while Zach was at work.  I would have gone, but my terrible migraine's have come back.

Sunday, we celebrated mom's birthday with my grandparents.  Monday we're going to dinner for mom's birthday.

Oh my... This was the free cake that came with her birthday dinner.  It was huge.  Three layers deep and it had to have been from the biggest pizza pan they had.  It was gargantuan.  Those are peach slices for reference, by the way.  The best part about this diabetes educing cake is that it's on the menu for three dollars.  WHAT?!

As for crafting, I'm still working on my headpiece.  Wednesday will be your first update on it and you'll get to guess what one of my costumes will be!  People are starting to get on my case about sewing because there isn't as much time as I would like between then and now.  They seem to forget my powers of procrastination.

This week is also my friend Heather's birthday and we will be attending the shenanigans with her in Tennessee later this week.  I'm super excited because she's having a Harry Potter themed party.  Now, I'll admit that I haven't read all of the Harry Potter books.  Shocking and saddening, I know.  I was reading them as they came out, but during one of the breaks while a book was being written or published, I started Lord of the Rings.  After that, Harry and his friends seemed -- well, childish.  I dropped the series and ventured on to more adult literature. Since her party is Harry Potter themed, Zach thought it only suiting for me to marathon the movies, and I agreed with him.  We just finished Deathly Hallows Part One tonight.

I'm planning on doing that poo-free post soon!  I think I'm going to do a special Tuesday or Thursday post for it so that I don't mess up my regular programming.
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