
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

WIP Wednesday: Steampunk Costuming Resources Needed

Guys, I'm going to be honest with you.  I got my days mixed up somehow.  Somewhere between Sunday and today, I lost a day.  I've been thinking I had an extra day to work on my WIP Wednesday post.  I guess I really need to instill that blog planner I made a few weeks back, huh?  I wish I could say that I got busy and lost track, but that would be a lie.

Something I've been wondering for about a year now (and I posted on the Facebook page) is if there is any sewing pattern for a corset cover out there?  I spent more money than I'm really willing to say on this beautiful corset a few years ago.  It's terribly comfortable, though starting to get a little big since I've lost some weight.

It was a prop flask and it was empty to begin with, thank you very much!

While I love the beautiful pattern and fit, I would like a little more versatility available in my costuming.  Because I don't want to spend a large amount of money like that on another corset, I wondered if there was a way to make a temporary cover for it -- kind of similar to those removable reupholsterings. 

My friend Heather suggested I just make a new one, but the complexity behind them scares me a little.  I can sew and follow a pattern, but I'm no seamstress.  Even some simple things scare me sewing related...much less boning and panels?  I do have a pattern for corsets, though so I may give it a try...

Since I'm asking for any ideas on corset-related items, I may as well ask for other steampunk ideas any of my readers may have.  I feel like I have a hard time picking out costumes that will look good on me because I am a bigger girl.  All the ones I see are beautiful, but wouldn't fit right on me.  For example, I had kind of envisioned a steampunk lolita, which is what the photo above was supposed to be.

Costume, hair, makeup, anything.  Throw me some suggestions.  I'm always up for trying new things costume-wise.  If you do post suggestions, I'll do my best to try them and post the results.  (Oh dear, this could be dangerous with hair and makeup...)

But, I really am working on this:

I'm sorry for blowing you guys off for a book.  In my defense:

Next week, I promise I'll have more of a WIP Wednesday post and not just some silly little filler like this. :)  I am truly sorry for forgetting my days.

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