
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Upcoming Blog Schedule & More

Since I want this blog to be successful and I want to keep myself blogging, I'm setting up a schedule for my blog.  It's going to be a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule with a theme for each day.  This isn't to say I won't throw in a surprise post every now and again, but for the most part, I'll update three times a week.

Me-Time Mondays

Because honestly, sometimes we just need to vent and/or share what is going on in our lives.  I'm keeping this to a minimum and won't post an entire novel every time I get on a me-time Monday

WIP Wednesdays

For anyone who doesn't know, though it's pretty doubtful in the crafting community, WIP stands for "work in progress".  This will be a day to share the crafts that I have begun even if they're not finished.  This isn't going to be a full tutorial or anything, but I may include some tips and tricks I have learned through the project.

If I don't have something started (or it hasn't progressed since the previous week), I'll post some inspiration.  A crafting to-do list of sorts.

Freebie Fridays

Who doesn't love free stuff?  I know I do.  Fridays will be dedicated to freebies.  Now, this doesn't mean I'm going to be giving stuff away, though it may be the case if our fan base grows.  It is going to be free patterns, or maybe even just a tutorial I like and want to share.

I'm also working on making some buttons in case anyone wants to help spread the word about me.

Even though I love this blog template, I don't like how long it takes to load.  I may try looking for another one that has a little bit wider of a blogging area and it a little less busy.

This will go in effect as soon as possible, but I'm just going to go ahead and let you know that I'm going to be kind of busy until March.  Until then, posts may be a little spotty as I try to juggle things in my life around.

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