
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Incoming Blogger!

Phew! Sorry that I anticipated my return a few months in advance. I knew my student teaching would be over, but I didn't think I would be busy until graduation! Now that that is over, however, I'm going to try my best to get back into crafting!
As you can see, I've done a complete blog makeover.  Instead of using a free layout that I found online, I created this one on my own.  (With a little graphical help from the internet.)  That is not to say that I am completely through revamping it; I still have some broken links, but that will be fixed quickly enough.

I'm also working on getting my Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts linked, so be sure to check out the buttons under "Follow Me" in the top-left!

If you have any feedback for me on my layout or anything else, please let me know in the comments!  I would be happy to hear any constructive criticism.  Also, if you are interested in a link party or me sharing a button, also let me know.

I hope to begin the previously-posed blog schedule of...

     Musing Mondays

     Because it's nice to be able to vent and/or share what is going on in our lives.  I'm going to try to keep this as craft related as possible, but it's likely that I'll get off-topic.  I promise not to write a novel each Musing Monday.

     WIP Wednesdays/Inspiration Wednesdays

     Wednesdays will be dedicated to my works in progress.  These won't necessarily be tutorials, but what progress I have made and any tips or tricks that I may have learned.  (Also resources!)  If I don't have a project going or I haven't made much progress, I will post some inspiration.

     Freebie Fridays

     You know it, you love it.  Who am I to break tradition? :)  Yes, freebies.  Free printables, patterns, and the like.  Depending on the growth of this blog, I may actually give something away.  Who knows?

See you soon!

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