
Monday, June 3, 2013

Musing Mondays: Cats, Magic, and More

As you may have read on my previous WIP Wednesday, my cat had a urinary tract infection last week, which derailed any crafting plans I may have had.  I took him to the vet and followed her instructions -- as well as being an overbearingly concerned pet parent -- and he is greatly improving.  He's able to pee more on his own now, not having accidents outside the litter box, and is finally starting to eat like he normally did.  She even prescribed a small dose of Valium that I could give him to help his muscles relax and him be able to go to the bathroom a little less painlessly.  That being said, I'm finishing up his antibiotics and he should be going in tomorrow for them to check and make sure everything is okay.  It's a huge relief knowing that he's getting better; UTIs and urinary blockage in cats can kill them quickly if it's not treated.  Mom keeps saying, "You're a good doctor" and I always reply with, "No, I'm just a crazy cat lady with only one cat."

Zach had a job interview on Thursday in Montgomery, so I volunteered to go with him, both for moral support and for company on the three-hour-there-and-back drive.  Unfortunately, there were a lot of other people there, too; hopefully they weren't all there for the English teacher position!  If he does get the job, we'll be moving down there and (hopefully) getting married soon.  We had both already agreed that whoever gets the first teaching position, the other would look for jobs in that area.  Keep your fingers crossed, guys!  As for me, I'm just applying everywhere, but I don't know what good that will do until I actually get my certificate in the mail.

We went to see "Now You See Me" on Sunday night.  It was between that or "After Earth" (which we still plan on seeing later, no worries!).  Here is a link to the trailer, if you need to refresh your memory about the movie.  Zach does magic and I love magic, so it was great for us.  Someone told him that the way they did the movie, you weren't searching for how they did the magic tricks throughout the movie, and I agree.  Granted, in the beginning of the movie, after some of the tricks Zach would lean over and say, "I can do that!"  Until it got to the robbing the bank part, of course.  I'm always afraid I would give too much away when talking about a movie, so I'm not going to tell much about the plot.  I will, however, say that it is a wonderful movie.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I was guessing until the very end, which is great.  I feel like most movies these days you can easily figure out the plot, any twists, and the like.  Maybe I was just engrossed in the movie, but I generally figured things out right before the movie told it.  It was probably the most original movie since "Warm Bodies", which I also recommend.

I'm also happily surprised to see how many page views this blog is getting weekly!  I know I haven't gotten very far into this whole craft-blogging experience, but I've had fun and I've actually gotten more crafting done than I had anticipated.  To all of those who do read my blog, thank you!  And if you do read, feel free to leave a comment now and again.  Let me know what you would like to see, if you have some crafts you would like to share with me, or if you have some tips for me (or that you would like to share).  Let me know what you would like to see featured on Freebie Fridays.
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