
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

WIP Wednesday: Plarn Hobo Bag Update and a June To-Do List

Do you ever start a project and realize about halfway through that you wish you hadn't?  That's kind of how I feel about my plarn crochet bag.  I mean, I love it.  I think it looks neat so far and it's a great way to upcycle those annoying plastic bags you get when you go to the grocery store.  The only reason why it is taking me so darn long to finish is because it takes me pretty much the same amount of time to make the plarn as it does to crochet it!  Not to mention that I have come to the part in the pattern where I have to double crochet; that's when I learned that one of the strips of bags is about two double crochets with a size K (6.5 mm) hook.

plarn hobo bag crochet upcycle plastic bags plastic yarn

I'm almost done with the bulk of the bag.  I lack less than ten rows, then I have to do the strap, and any decoration that I may put on there.  This bag is becoming the bane of my existence.  It just sits there, staring at me, taunting and pleading with me at the same time.

Also, oops.  I went to put clothes away yesterday and realized my closet is horrible.   Like, terrible.  I don't think I can describe in words how badly organized my closet was.  So, I decided to redo it, but that is a post for another day.  Yes...I have found something else to put off that stupid bag.

Three Benni Moon, dogs, shirt, tshirt, transfer, iron on

While I keep putting that off, I keep coming up with new things to add to a list of to-do projects.  For example, I told Zach that, for our anniversary I was going to make him one of those "three wolf moon" shirts, but with Benni, his/our German Shepherd.  That's not to say I am not getting him the best gift with it, also.  I'm still working on getting the colors to look right... Like, getting all the dogs to look the same.  (Not that it's going to matter as much when it's transferred onto a t-shirt, but whatever.)

After that, he's asked me to make him a quiver for his arrows, since he got back into archery.  I thought that didn't sound too hard... All you have to do is sew a cylinder with an open end.  So we'll see how that goes.

Then I wanted to work on my steampunk jetpack out of plastic bottles... And...and... Phew.  All of this can get a little crazy. Good thing I have you guys here to keep me straight.  Okay, here's the priority list:
  1. Plarn hobo bag
  2. Three Benni Moon shirt
  3. Quiver
  4. Jetpack
That should keep me busy for a while, as well as give you an idea of what to expect from June.  Have any tips for any of the projects?  Inspiration for me?  Anything you'd like to see?  Let me know in the comments or on the Let's Craft Something Facebook page!

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  1. I don't know much of anything about crocheting or making quivers, so no tips there. HOWEVER. I pin crafty organizing stuff like a fiend on Pinterest, so here is an idea to halp with your closet that I'm actually going to do myself when I have that many tabs (just took all my cans in for cash =P):

    It offsets the hangers so that you can hang DOUBLE THE CLOTHES.

    Also, I organize my clothing thusly in my closet from left to right: tube tops, spaghetti straps, tank tops, crop tops, tee shirts, long sleeved shirts and sweaters, skirts, dresses, slacks, petticoats, costumes

    ALSO. I have a belt box for all my belts, I store my hats on the top shelf of the closet, and I use bags on hangers to store costume props with the costume they go with.

    Hope that OCD list helps you get things in order =D

  2. That is genius! And that would be perfect for outfits, but I never hang outfits together.

    My closet is currently organized by color -- I think I saw it on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ages ago and liked it. I have skirts, dresses, blazers, and pants separated.

    My sweaters are all folded and sitting in the top shelf, but I think I'd really like some of those cute little boxes to keep them in so that they are moderately hidden until I need them... Seeing them out folded makes me feel like they don't belong. I also may make one for accessories like belts and scarves.

    My problem is all the shoes. o_o I have a shoe rack outside my closet for flats, tennis shoes and the like, but my heels don't really go in there.

    Why is being a girl so hard?! D:
