
Monday, June 10, 2013

Musing Mondays: Organizational Optimism

My room is a horrible mess still from my upcoming WIP Wednesday in which I tell you about redoing my closet.  I have things I still need to sort, find a place for, etc.  Yes, that means I found something to delay my bag's progress even more, but I swear I will finish it eventually.  Also, while cleaning out my closet I found a cute little cross stitch of a mouse with a thimble, needle, and thread which I had to start playing with as soon as I found it.  Sigh.  But it's tiny and shouldn't take long at all.

Though it may not look like it by my room, I'm on an organizing kick right now.  I even started a new Pinterest board called "Get Organized!" but I haven't pinned much.  Stupid closet, what have you done?  Through cleaning my closet, I found some things I would rather fold than hang, but most of my drawers are full.  I plan on cleaning one out that has mostly just nail polish and Bath and Body perfume in it.

Therein lies the problem, though:  What do I do with all that junk?  I started looking through nail polish organization through Google and Pinterest, but none of them were really something I could just make at home on a whim.  (If you haven't noticed, I don't like spending more money than I have to.)  Then it hit me.  There was a small, rectangular box that some of the hardware for my closet came in.  I grabbed it and ran to the bathroom and it was the perfect size to fit on the side of my cabinet above the toilet.  I spent pretty much an hour working on cutting it, making little shelves, and taping it all down.  So, there's another project I have going...

Then what do I do with the perfume?!  I guess the best thing I could do would be to pick and choose which I like the most and have them more readily available.  Then I can store the rest elsewhere.  (I also don't like getting rid of things... Can you tell?)  I like the idea of having them handy, but I also like the idea of having them in the closet. Hm...

One of the last major storage issues in my closet is my shoes.  I have a shoe rack-dresser-thing in my room like the one above that I got from Walmart, but that has more of flats, flip flops, and tennis shoes in it.  I don't see how heels could fit in there.  I have a container that rolls under my bed that I had stored shoes in previously (which I don't think I've gone through in at least five years).  I finally went through them and weeded out the ones I wouldn't miss.  I went through my heels to see which I liked the most and which got worn the most, then put the others in the storage under the bed.  Hopefully I won't forget about them now.  I bagged the old ones up and plan on taking them to Zach's little sister who wears the same shoe size as me; otherwise, I guess I'll take them to Goodwill.  This narrows it down to about ten pairs that I want to keep in my closet.

 With it being so small in there -- about 4 square feet -- I don't want to put too much on the walls so I don't feel cramped like I did before.  I did see a neat little organizer on Pinterest that I think would work well and be very cost efficient to put along the back wall.  It's made out of foam board -- which you can get at Dollar Tree for, you guessed it, $1.  (Mine probably wouldn't be as cute as hers, though...)  I could make a small shoe rack for the bottom with slightly larger holes, the organizer, then depending on how sturdy it was, put maybe my jewelery on top.

I also want to make some of the cute little storage boxes to go on the top shelf.  I say make because have you seen the price of those things?  It's usually like $5 for one of them!  I'm sorry, can I not buy packing boxes for cheaper than that, then cover it with something cute and be much more cost efficient?  I want them so that my sweaters won't be all out in the open; I feel like that makes it look messier in there and I would much rather pull down a basket, find the sweater, and put the basket back up.  If I have them organized by color like my closet is, it would be easy to find the sweater I wanted, too.

I also looked through a lot of blog planners online.  I know...Why do I keep doing this to myself?  I really like this blog and I think I've done a decent job of staying on top of it so far -- it's only been a month, but that takes dedication!  I guess I'm just old fashioned in the fact that I still like to hand write things, especially when I'm organizing or planning something.  I took most of the ideas from My May Sunshine's blog, but I played with it to fit my tastes a little more.  (The one pictured above is the one My May Sunshine made.  I haven't put mine together yet.)  I also didn't include all of the pages she used, and I plan on looking around the web a little more to see if there are any others I would like to add.  Once I get it all pretty and to my liking, I'll be nice and include it as a free download.

I also hit 600 page views on Saturday.  Yay.  I don't know why you guys are still in this for the long haul, but thanks!  Let me know what you would like to see more of and I'll do my best to provide!

That's what I've been doing and what will probably keep me busy for a while... Even though my Nana just sent me home with about five skeins of yarn that I want to play with.  As always, if you have any tips for me, please leave a comment with them as well as anything else you would like to share.

Be sure to check out my social media stuff to stay up-to-date!  I finally got my Twitter and BlogLovin' accounts set up, so if that's more your style than Facebook, give me a follow.

What do you guys have planned for June?

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  1. Dude, I saw the cutest freaking thing on pinterest where someone used pretty crown molding in rows to hang their shoes on the wall -->

    My closet is very different from yours, but I use a regular wire floor shoe rack plus a pocket shoe organizer over the door -->|pdp|13050995|ClickCP|item_page.adjacency&lnk=Rec|pdp|ClickCP|item_page.adjacency

    Also, I have this in my linen closet (it's my favorite) -->

    I actually have an extra of that last one, because my house is so old, the second one wouldn't fit on any other door, so I can bring it to you next time I'm down that way if you want it =O

  2. I saw the crown molding and thought it was genius! I used to have a pocket shoe organizer on the back of my bedroom door, but when we changed the doors, I never put it back. (Hm. Maybe I should put it on the back of my bathroom door for makeup and hair stuff...) The closet door is one of those accordion-style bi-fold doors so nothing would hang on the back of it. Sigh.
