
Friday, June 7, 2013

Freebie Friday: Spice Up Old Heels

Alright girls, how many of you have an old pair of plain heels that you loved at one time, got on sale, or you never wear because they're plain and boring?  Well, I don't even know how I came across it, but Maegan over at Love Maegan has a great tutorial for how to revamp those heels using those heels, fabric, and Mod Podge.

She turned her boring black heels into this:

Of course, yours don't have to be hounds tooth or have the little pom pom at the toe, but it's a wonderful idea, in my opinion.  And you probably have all of these materials at home already if you're a crafter.  Here is her tutorial for this super shoe makeover.

She also has a tutorial for making cute lace socks to wear with your heels, which I think is another great way to spice up your shoes.  This is also a good idea if you're afraid of messing up a pair with Mod Podge!
What girl doesn't have nail polish laying around, too?  She also has tutorials for adding color to your shoes with nail polish!

Of course, she does have more than just shoe tutorials, but I stumbled into the shoe section and fell in love with her neat ideas!  Before you throw your heels away, be sure to check how you can revamp them and fall in love with them all over again!  Visit Love Maegan for all of her great tutorials.

*All of the photos in this post were from Love Maegan.  I did not create any of these; all credit belongs to her.
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