
Friday, July 5, 2013

Freebie Friday: Make Your Own Shampoo!

You may recall me talking about trying this on Monday, but I finally decided to give the natural shampoo a chance.  I ran out of shampoo and whipped up a batch, but before I did, I had to find a recipe.  Boy was that overwhelming...

There seem to be as many different recipes for it as there are in the store!  People were sharing what worked best for them, which is great because everyone has different hair types.  I did notice two common ingredients:  baking soda and apple cider vinegar.  Baking soda is generally used in the wash, and ACV in the rinse.  Baking soda is a base, just like detergents, but because it's one of the weakest, it takes a lot of it to damage your hair.  ACV is an acid (which is why vinegar and baking soda react when in contact with one another).  It helps detangle, balance the pH levels in your hair, and seals the cuticles.
Of course, there are different herbs that you can add to give different properties to your wash; you can also add honey, citrus juice, teas, and pretty much anything you can think of.  I bet there's someone who's tried it all.  If you want to smell all nice and clean, you can always add a few drops of essential oils to perk of the scent.

I'm still tweaking my recipe to see what I like best, so for now, I will share some of my resources with you.  Don't worry, I'll post my experiences soon enough.

Babyslime has definitely done her homework on the poo-free way.  In her lengthy post, she explains why to go poo-free, what's wrong with shampoo, how to go poo-free, what the ingredients do, what herbs to use (if you want to), and a few extra recipes.  She also has what to do if your hair is "too long", if it has gone frizzy, if it feels greasy, if it feels dry, if you have buildup, if you get itchy, if you have dandruff, if you have limp or weak hair, and if you have hard water.  She's also 16 years poo-free.  (Nine at the time of writing this entry.)

Kitchen Stewardship is another useful site I had pulled up.  She goes through her year-long experience of going poo-free.  It is where I learned the most about the detoxing period you hair may go through.  She includes her recipe, which has the same two components, and some drawbacks she has found in her experience.

Simple Mom is actually the first website I found, and it linked me to Babyslime's overwhelmingly informative post.  She shares her experience in the three months she's been poo-free, some tips she's collected, and finally the recipe she uses.

This is another image I found on Pinterest while searching for recipes on going poo-free.  (Don't worry, you can click on it to make it larger.)

It's all largely the same; it's just personal preference and hair type that makes it different.  You can tweak it anyway you like and even to where it's what you have on handTake a look at all the different recipes and try a few out.  Tweak it for next time if you don't like it.

Have you gone poo-free?  Or would you go poo-free?

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