
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

WIP Wednesday: Nail Polish Rack, Part Two

It's a miracle!  I finished it finally!

When we last left off, my rack was lacking the back, dowels, and those rough edges were still just sitting there being hideous.  Well, I took the back, spray painted it for a nice, even color, and taped off some chevrons to add a little bit of color.

I did eyeball the chevrons so they're not great.  I didn't want to become too obsessed with something that was going to be hidden behind pretty bottles of nail polish.  While the pink was drying, I went out and spray painted my dowels.  (Okay, so my dowels are really just bamboo skewers, but that's neither here nor there.)


After taking the tape off, I noticed some of my pink paint had seeped through.  Oh butts.  But then I went and raided my stash of paints to see what could work; I could smooth out the edge with a pinkish color, or just paint over it with white.  Then, I saw this cute little bottle of brown paint -- the kind for fabric that always stays a little raised.

I grabbed a few backups (pink, silver, and white), but when I tested the brown, I loved it.  And I realized I could do cute little chevrons to break up the large chunks, too.  It was great.  Again, my lines aren't perfect, but it's eyeballed.

I hot glued the back to the rest of the rack and started covering my edges with the ribbon that I had bought.

With some Velcro Command Strips, I stuck it to the side of my bathroom organizer and filled it with nail polish.  All of the bottles in my room fit perfectly in there!

Added bonus:  A few days ago, I stole a magazine rack from my garage that was literally just collecting dust.  (I'm not kidding, it was pretty gross.)  I cleaned it up, spray painted it white, and with the help of some Command hooks, I have a place to store my straightener and hair dryer that is neither on the floor nor in my way in the tiny cabinet under the sink.

Total cost for both of these projects:  $2.50.
Foam board:  Free, lying around the house.
Hot glue:  Free, lying around the house.
Paints:  Free, lying around the house.
Bamboo skewers:  Free, lying around the kitchen drawer.
Ribbon:  $1
Magazine rack:  Free, lying around the garage.
Velcro Command Strips:  Free, Nana gave them to me when she heard about this project.
Command Strip Hooks:  $1.50 from Dollar General.

Are they perfect?  No.  Are they functional?  Yes.  Do I love them?  Yes.

I promise I'm going back to regular crafts now that Junk-Free June is over with.  Promise.
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