
Monday, July 1, 2013

Musing Mondays: Reflection, Planning, and Anniversaries

Phew, guys.  We made it.  June is over with.  Isn't it a relief?  I finished Junk-Free June.  You have no idea how accomplished I feel about it.  My room seems to be so much better.  I still have a few miscellaneous items I need to find homes for, but that's okay.  It seems like I'm finding one every day, so it keeps getting smaller.

Just because my month of dedicated organization is over with doesn't mean I'm just going to stop organizing.  I feel like I've made myself become a more organized person through this, even if it is just a little bit more.

I don't know if I'm going to do a theme for July just yet or just do whatever crafts come to mind.  I know that I'm going to finish that stupid plarn bag, though.  Ugh. I just got so tired of two stitches per every one bag link.

I'm considering a sewing project.  While I'm still hoping to lose weight before our annual anime convention, it'd be a lot easier to alter it closer to time than stay up all night sewing (like I've done almost every year...).  Zach and I went to JoAnn's and they were having a sale on patterns where they were $1.  I stacked up on anything that seemed remotely Victorian.  I have about six patterns that I could use, but the one pictured above is by far my favorite.

I'm working on compiling a page for tips and tricks.  I don't always necessarily like calling them "life hacks" now since someone pointed out that they're normally just crafts.  So that's coming up.  I also have been considering trying some of those home-made products lately.  I mixed up some shampoo and conditioner on Saturday to try it out.  I don't wash my hair every day, anyway, so I don't think the "detox" some people had complained about will be as much of a problem, but we'll see.  I'll keep you guys posted on that, too.

Thursday marked mine and Zach's seven year anniversary.  Seven years and I still don't know why he puts up with my crap.  Regardless, I love him and I love him more every day.  Did you know year seven was the year of the horse?  That's right.  Without any collaboration, I got him a horse head mask, and he got me the unicorn mask.  Everyone just kind of looked at us like, "Really?  Why did you buy that?"

Zach also got me a beautiful necklace.  I believe it was our first anniversary when he got me the necklace I have been wearing almost daily.  My new necklace is made from a page of Lord of the Rings.  It's a piece of elvish from the picture of the Mines of Moria.    We've decided that the page was from a library copy of LOTR where the binding was all falling apart and some pages had already been lost.  I mean, that's the only reason someone would destroy a copy, right?

We also had some awesome sushi at our usual place, walked around the outdoor mall for a bit, and saw World War Z.  (Which was pretty good, in my opinion, though apparently completely different from the book.)  Don't let my breezing through the description mislead you -- I had a great time!  I just don't want to bore you all with the details.  (Besides, you probably had your fill of mushy stuff in these past few paragraphs.)

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