
Monday, August 19, 2013

Musing Mondays: Finally, I Return!

Ugh, we finally got out router problem fixed.  We tried using a few other routers from my tech-savvy uncle, but no dice.  We did discover it wasn't the modem, which kind of sucks because then it would have been our power company's issue since we technically rent it from them.  But anyway, one huge headache and a new router later, I have internet again.

If you haven't looked at Hyperbole and a Half yet, you really need to.

Unfortunately, the router issue isn't the only bummer we've had.  Our outside dog of 9 or so years, Harley, had to make an emergency vet visit.  He just wouldn't get up last Saturday.  The vet said he apparently had a stroke; he didn't think he would be able to get back up because he's such a big dog.  (He's a Border Collie/Great Pyrenees mix.)  That wasn't his only issue, but it was the most life-threatening.  The vet called the next morning to say that he wasn't getting up, but about fifteen minutes later, he called back saying that he did get up.  We brought him home on Monday and have been keeping an eye on him for any signs that he needs to go back.

We know with so many issues, it's just a matter of time, but he's still there.  If he had a vacant or pained look in his eyes, it would be an easier decision.  But that's not the case.  He still looks like a puppy -- just happy and loving in his eyes.  He looks like he's not ready to go.

Anyway, let's get off of these depressing topics...

Did you guys get to check out the meteor shower on the 10th through 13th?  I got two good nights of star gazing out of it; it was pretty cloudy the rest of the time.  We saw some that were so big that they looked like missiles!  Huge orange comet-like tail and everything!  I was so amazed.

(Both images found through a Google search.)

Remember my huge upgrade from the Droid R2D2 to the Galaxy S4?  My mom just made an even bigger upgrade due to dropping her phone in a pool.  (The bag of rice trick didn't work.  I guess it had been too long or it was just beyond repair.)  She went from the Samsung Alias to the Droid Razr M.  Holy crap, Batman.  I tried to take care of as much of the initial setup as I could.  Zach said, "Aw, isn't that sweet of you!"  There's a fine line between "sweet" and "selfish."  I did it to save the headache of walking her through doing it.  She's adjusting.  It's taking a while for her to get the right touch for the touch screen, for some reason, but it's coming right along.

I've mentioned before that I'm reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series, right?  (The Game of Thrones television series, if you're more familiar with it that way.)  I made it to the second book, where things start to differ from the television series.  As you may know, the second book is called A Clash of Kings; however, I've renamed it to "A Crash of Kings" because every time I try to read it, I struggle to stay awake.  I don't know why.  So, I decided it may be a good idea to get the audio book so that I could listen to it while I was on the treadmill or something.  Such a great idea.  In one day I listened to about four chapters.  It usually works out where I'm on the treadmill for about one chapter.  I'm over halfway done with the book now.

Speaking of being on the treadmill, when we last talked, I said I was trying to lose weight.  During my absence, I've lost about 10 pounds!  Yep, about 5 pounds a week.  Not too bad, if I do say so myself.  I've been dieting and walking on the treadmill to build stamina before I start running.  I started doing half a mile each day, then a mile.  Next week, I'll do a mile and a half.  Of course, right now, I'm just walking; I'm afraid I'll hurt my legs if I start off trying to run.

Last matter of business: I had considered adding a blog post per week mentioning some of the things I had pinned or saw on Pinterest.  What do you guys think about that?  Just like a little highlight of a few pins, nothing too extravagant or anything.  It was just something I had been toying around with while I was only able to surf the internet through my phone.

Alright, sorry for the huge wall of text!  I had to catch you all up with what had been going on while I was semi-off-the-grid.

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