
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WIP Wednesday: More of the Starfish

How much longer can I drag this stupid little starfish out, right?  Well, I'm almost done with him.  He's practically down to the tiny little details now that don't even have to be included.  I know I haven't done much with him since we last saw each other, but I've really been brainstorming my last minute costume ideas.  That's right, our convention is in a little over a month and I have no new costumes.  Poops.  That means I really have to get to work in this next month!

This is how we last saw this little guy, right?  Oh wow, that makes me feel like I've done so little...  I made the gem casing, which took longer than expected because I had to let it air-dry, along with those two little leg spoke things.  Then, to my mortification, I could not get the gem out.  After a little gentle prodding with a toothpick, it wiggled out.

I painted the gem casing and those little leg spoke things on it as close to a golden color as I could get.  It looks a little more buttery than golden, but I feel like the color works a little better with a steampunk flare to it.  The casing and the little spoke things dried together, which is a relief for me, but I'm still going to hot glue them both down...just to be sure.

I pulled the gem off.  Turns out my super glue wasn't really that super.  I decided I'll hot glue it when I reattach it.  I liked the color of it, but knowing it was supposed to be a gem and that it was pretty matte, I had a brilliant idea.  I grabbed a some nail polish a shade deeper and put a few coats on it.  Now it's pretty and super shiny.  I feel like it looks a lot more like a gem now.  I thought about adding flecks of glitter to it, but I thought that would be a little much.

Thinking back, I probably could have used one of those little glass half-marble things.  I got some for mom a few years back to help decorate her bathroom, so I even have it in that dark red color.  Oh well, it would have probably shown the colors underneath anyway.

Just to be safe, I covered the starfish body with a matte finishing coat, which I had stolen from Zach.  I could have probably skipped this step, but I'm pretty paranoid about him getting messed up. After I got the gem casing the color I wanted and let it dry, I covered it with the matte finishing, too.

Now, it's down to the hot gluing and putting this bad boy together!  Since I made it all in different steps and let things dry in between, I was able to build each piece around one another.  This way, all of my pieces fit together perfectly.

All I have left are some minor details.  I had considered putting a little bit of felt on the back on it to make it a little nicer.  I also thought that might make the hair clip stay on it better.  I had also played around with attaching pearls to it, but I haven't quite decided.  Thoughts, opinions, or constructive criticism?

Have you figured it out yet?  Since he's done, leave your ideas on who/what it is in the comments and I'll reveal it on Monday.

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