
Monday, September 2, 2013

Musing Mondays: Interview, Interviews

 Happy Labor Day!

So, originally, I thought it was only going to be an interview on Tuesday.  I spent the entire time from Friday until Tuesday freaking out about it and wasn't able to do much crafting.  (Although I probably should have to keep my mind occupied.) 

For starters, I have developed a small crack in my tire, which means it doesn't stay inflated really well and I am kind of at risk of having a blowout.  The drive to my interview was about 45 miles or so and the majority was highway/interstate.  I was a little wary about driving on it, so I asked mom if she would mind since she was off work.  (Zach had to work and I really appreciated the company on the way to keep my mind off of it.)

I knew that the interview on Tuesday was going to be a pre-screening panel and there was going to be a computerized and personal portion.  I was a nervous wreck because of this...not to mention I've never had an interview for a job like this before.  I had 30 minutes to answer two questions on the computer.  One dealt with how we demonstrate expectations to our students and the other was a data analysis.

They lead me to a room afterwards with some tables, a computer, and an ActivBoard where they displayed my written answers.  There were only two teachers on the panel, a kindergarten and first grade teacher.  (Apparently there was supposed to be a third, but she didn't show up.)  I had to explain my answers to the written prompts and answer a few more questions.  The personal interview was probably over thirty minutes long.  When they asked if I had any questions for them, I just sighed heavily and said, "Is it over?  Can I relax now?"

They could tell I was nervous, but they seemed pretty impressed with some of my answers.  For example, when we were looking at data, I said that I would look at my students first and note any students who had been identified with special needs or were English Language Learners.  Then I would see if there were students who had something to happen at home, were sick, or anything else that could affect their performance.  I guess others hadn't thought of this answer?  It was the first thing I thought of -- knowing my students.

I also got to share one of my favorite stories from student teaching.  I'll give you the shorter version.  My "mentor" teacher had already labeled this student as a 'bad kid'.  He went home every day with his color below green (which means he had gotten in trouble several times during the day).  One day, he checked in late and was amazing all day long.  I sent him home on the highest color that I could.  I also wrote a note to his dad and sent home with him.  Because he was in first grade, he couldn't read cursive, so I was sure to write the whole note in cursive.  It was nothing but positive, glowing reviews of his child.  The next day, I put on my authoritative teacher face and asked, "Did your dad see the note I sent him?"  "...yes..."  "What'd he say?"  "He was so proud of me!"  I had no behavioral issues from this student the rest of the time I was there.

Anyway, Mom asked when I should hear from a principal.  I had no idea when to expect anything because it was just a pre-screening interview.

Wednesday, I got up and went to the substitute teacher seminar for my local school district.  Even though I'm a certified teacher, I had to go and sit through this silly little training where they try to condense what you learn over the course of four years into an hour-long session.  There was one page on classroom management.  All of you educators will know that there is no one page that can prepare you for classroom management.

I got a phone call around two or three in the afternoon that day for an interview with a principal at a new elementary school as a first grade teacher.  Want to talk about nervous?  Just writing down the interview time and that I have to present a ten minute lesson to the administration and what might be my team gave me butterflies.  So many things were flooding my mind -- the most important one was "What lesson can I present in ten minutes that sums up my teaching style?"  I know that's more of what they are wanting to see.

About an hour later, I got a phone call from another school district asking if I could do a last-minute interview.  This would be another pre-screening interview that seemed much less intense than Tuesday's.  The only issue was that it was the next day at 11:15.  It wasn't the short notice that bothered me so much, as I had just finished an interview; I was still on the high from nailing it, apparently.  I was worried that it was two hours away and I had that bum tire.  (I was planning on getting it fixed Thursday!)

Oh my god, I love this commercial. Every time. No matter how many times I see it.
Also, this image is from CafePress where this has been made on a flask.
I know it's also on a shirt. You know you want it.

Zach didn't have to go into work on Thursday until late -- like 8pm late -- so he went with me.  I was more than comfortable with this because it was the town he went to college in and he was more familiar with the area than I was.  I was extremely careful while driving and we got there without any problems with 30 minutes to spare.  I'm very glad I was that early because the interviewer came to ask for the girl whose appointment was at 11 about three times (prior to 11).

I feel like 15 minutes was more than enough time for these interviews.  They only asked four questions and seemed like they wanted shorter responses than I gave the other panel.  There were only two women taking part in the interview, but there was another in the room.  I admitted that I was not too familiar with the district as I live so far away and one happily told me a summary.  I asked about the English Language Learner population, which seemed to thrill one and surprise the other.


So, now I have two pre-screening interviews under my belt and one principal interview on Tuesd-- tomorrow!  Oh no... Just saying that made my heart start pounding!  If you can spare a moment's thought, prayers, vibes, anything tomorrow, I'd be very thankful.

Unfortunately, all these interviews at irregular times and unpredictable times makes it hard to fit exercising in.  I've done well on my diet, though.  Zach just commented that we haven't had Taco Bell in like a month.  So, while I have been watching my calorie intake, I haven't always been able to exercise this week.  I've only lost a pound.  Well, that's better than nothing.  I feel like I can feel a difference.  I also think my clothes are starting to fit better.  That may just be my imagination, though.

Again, sorry for my spotty posts.  I've been unpredictably busy last week.  If I actually get this job, it'll be another stretch until I can really start posting again.  Thanks for sticking with me! :)

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