
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

WIP Wednesdays: Starfish Wrap-Up

I know you have to be so tired of hearing about this stupid starfish headpiece by now!  There is good news, though:  I'm practically finished with him!

Source, along with a game!

That's right, he's a Pokemon.  If that isn't enough of a hint, I made a Staryu, who is one of Misty's main Pokemon.  I'm not planning on doing a traditional Misty because that would look absolutely horrible on me; as I've said, we are doing steampunk trainers.

In case you've been living under a rock since 1995, this is Staryu.  He's one of the original 151 Pokemon, so I guess to be fair, I should say "unless you've been living under a rock since 1995 OR you hopped on the Pokemon bandwagon after the first few generations."  Staryu's gem doesn't seem as bright in this picture, but you can see the weird little gem holder thong that he does have.  (I've checked other angles -- it's only around one leg.)  I also changed the coloration to look a little more realistic, such as trying to make him look more porous like an actual starfish.

I finally hot glued his gem and holder to his body, which is a huge relief for me.  I was afraid of losing parts of him.  I also cut out a star from some stiff felt and hot glued it as a backing.  All I lack is gluing on the clips to keep him in my hair.

Even though I have yet to wear him, I love him.  I've put a lot of time and effort into him and tried to correct as many imperfections as I could, though some were not avoidable.  At least they are hardly noticeable from personal-space-distance.


After my interview yesterday, I thought long and hard about going to get a cupcake as a reward.  I managed to calm myself and decided to go to Thrift Mart instead.  Instead of gaining calories, I lost them walking around.  Take that, fat.

I also gained a pair of pants, shirt, large skirt that I will need to take in, and a very large bed sheet that I can use for sewing my skirt.  I was looking for a yellowish color and this color is nearly what I was looking for.  For $2, I think I can spend some time aging it to make it a little less bright.  (I tried to take a picture, but the brightness just was not coming through.)

Just a heads-up for what's coming next.
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