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A few years ago, I was introduced to the wonderful world of steampunk. If you haven't heard of it before, there are a multitude of re...
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013
WIP Wednesday: More Headpiece!
Hey, look at that. I'm adding a little more to the headpiece. I do mean a little. It's a tedious process working with clay. It may not be to you, but to me it is. I'm always a little more cautious than I probably have to be, but I really don't want him to break.
I sprayed some nonstick cooking spray on him to make sure my little clay ball didn't stick to him. I shaped a half circle in the little indention, scooped it out, and baked him.
Once he was baked, I put a coat of red on it. (All around, bottom and everything. I didn't want to risk it showing.)
I took some super glue and glued him in place. Ta-da! A starfish with a gem-like-thing. I debated on adding glitter to make it a little more shiny, but I think that I'll go over it with a clear coat of nail polish in the end for that shiny effect.
After that came the really tedious part. I say really tedious because I don't know how to do this part without letting the bits air-dry. I have to do a circle around the gem, and two little legs that go between the legs of the starfish. I tried doing this all in one piece, but I just couldn't see it happening.
I did the two little legs of the gem holder by themselves, but with the rest of it already baked, I was afraid to put it in the oven. I would cry so hard if it shattered right now. So my little legs are currently air-drying. Once they're dry, I'll add the circular part of the gem holder.
Is it starting to come together yet? And clues on what it is? I hope so. I can really see it now that I have the gem in place! (There again, I know what the end result is, so I guess that's kind of cheating.)
Alright, so this is something else I'm working on starting for myself: meal planning. Zach and I have been saying we were going to lose weight for far too long and I really want to force myself to get motivated and do it. So, I'm trying to find a way to make a weekly meal plan for myself, but it's proving to be pretty hard to do.
Do you guys do this? Have any tips for me?
When we left off last week, he was about like this.
I sprayed some nonstick cooking spray on him to make sure my little clay ball didn't stick to him. I shaped a half circle in the little indention, scooped it out, and baked him.
Once he was baked, I put a coat of red on it. (All around, bottom and everything. I didn't want to risk it showing.)
I took some super glue and glued him in place. Ta-da! A starfish with a gem-like-thing. I debated on adding glitter to make it a little more shiny, but I think that I'll go over it with a clear coat of nail polish in the end for that shiny effect.
After that came the really tedious part. I say really tedious because I don't know how to do this part without letting the bits air-dry. I have to do a circle around the gem, and two little legs that go between the legs of the starfish. I tried doing this all in one piece, but I just couldn't see it happening.
I did the two little legs of the gem holder by themselves, but with the rest of it already baked, I was afraid to put it in the oven. I would cry so hard if it shattered right now. So my little legs are currently air-drying. Once they're dry, I'll add the circular part of the gem holder.
Is it starting to come together yet? And clues on what it is? I hope so. I can really see it now that I have the gem in place! (There again, I know what the end result is, so I guess that's kind of cheating.)
Do you guys do this? Have any tips for me?
WIP Wednesday
Monday, July 29, 2013
Musing Monday: Harry Potter and the Party of Awesome
I like lame titles, forgive me.
Remember how I was talking about being all excited about my friend's Harry Potter themed birthday party? Well, it finally happened. I raided her Facebook page for pictures because I'm too lazy to upload them from my phone and she had more.
There was a cute little Platform 9 3/4 sign outside the door. When we got inside, we exchanged our keys for a ticket on the Hogwarts express since there was alcohol being served. (And hey, who's a better taxi service than Hogwarts?)
We got sorted when we got there. There was a special chair for the sorting, ribbons to denote our houses, and the Sorting Hat told us it would be more fun to use a spinner to sort ourselves. I'm making a sad face because I got Slytherin. The birthday girl was the only one who got to choose her house since she had a Ravenclaw tie.
Although I didn't dress up, I did Potter my nails! It doesn't look great because I'm no nail artist, but I thought it did a decent job at reflecting each house. Index finger was Gryffindor, a crimson and gold (well, yellow) checkerboard. Middle finger was Ravenclaw, a blue field with a bronze streak. I know that in the books their colors were blue and silver, but the movie depicted blue and bronze; seeing as I have watched all the movies but not read all of the books, I thought it was suiting that I went with movie colors. Ring finger was Hufflepuff, yellow and black stripes. Pinky was Slytherin, green with silver sparkles and a silver tip. Unfortunately the silver didn't show up too well.
My thumb nail looked terrible, so I didn't bother with trying to fight and get a picture of it. I did a black background with a gold glitter lightning bolt. The method seemed to work well, but they both ended up smudging before I could get a good picture.
I just wanted to share this amazing party with you all because I loved it so much. So, happy birthday, Heather! I hope you had as much fun as I did.
I leave you with a message to those of you who don't believe in magic:
Remember how I was talking about being all excited about my friend's Harry Potter themed birthday party? Well, it finally happened. I raided her Facebook page for pictures because I'm too lazy to upload them from my phone and she had more.
There was a cute little Platform 9 3/4 sign outside the door. When we got inside, we exchanged our keys for a ticket on the Hogwarts express since there was alcohol being served. (And hey, who's a better taxi service than Hogwarts?)
We got sorted when we got there. There was a special chair for the sorting, ribbons to denote our houses, and the Sorting Hat told us it would be more fun to use a spinner to sort ourselves. I'm making a sad face because I got Slytherin. The birthday girl was the only one who got to choose her house since she had a Ravenclaw tie.
Here was the Great Hall complete with owls, floating candles, and horcruxes on the table.
All of the recipes came from the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook. The cake was a replica of Harry's first birthday cake, complete with Hagrid butt-indention. Dumbledore's Lemon Drops, Chocolate Frogs, Professor Slughorn's Bon-Bons, Bill and Fleur's Wedding Vol-au-Vents, Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans, Molly Weasely's Meat Pies, Truth Serum (Jell-o shots), and Butter Beer (which is butterscotch schnapps, cream soda, and marshmallow fluff) were pictured, but not included were our failed meat pies, and the wonderful Pumpkin Pasties. Everything was made from scratch except for the Every-Flavor Beans and the drinks.
Gotta work that food off somehow, right? How about with a sporting game of Quidditch? Or in this case, Quidditch Pong -- a slightly modified beer pong. (The Quidditch hoops were made using plastic planters with dollar store tennis rackets taped on top and completely covered in foil tape.) Unfortunately, you can't see her cute little Golden Snitch ping pong ball.
If you're feeling brave, there is also a Harry Potter drinking game. I say brave because read those rules. Someone says Voldemort? Twins speak in unison? An important character dies? Hermione gets angry? You'd be drunk so fast that the majority of a movie would be a blur. Just thinking about it gives me a phantom hangover.
Although I didn't dress up, I did Potter my nails! It doesn't look great because I'm no nail artist, but I thought it did a decent job at reflecting each house. Index finger was Gryffindor, a crimson and gold (well, yellow) checkerboard. Middle finger was Ravenclaw, a blue field with a bronze streak. I know that in the books their colors were blue and silver, but the movie depicted blue and bronze; seeing as I have watched all the movies but not read all of the books, I thought it was suiting that I went with movie colors. Ring finger was Hufflepuff, yellow and black stripes. Pinky was Slytherin, green with silver sparkles and a silver tip. Unfortunately the silver didn't show up too well.
My thumb nail looked terrible, so I didn't bother with trying to fight and get a picture of it. I did a black background with a gold glitter lightning bolt. The method seemed to work well, but they both ended up smudging before I could get a good picture.
I just wanted to share this amazing party with you all because I loved it so much. So, happy birthday, Heather! I hope you had as much fun as I did.
I leave you with a message to those of you who don't believe in magic:
Harry Potter,
Friday, July 26, 2013
Freebie Friday: Wrapping Paper
Have you ever had a last minute gift to come up and no suitable wrapping paper? Or just someone who you cannot find the perfect wrapping paper for? I have.
I have gifts on the mind since Heather's Harry Potter Party is tonight. While I didn't worry about not having suitable wrapping paper this time, I thought it was a good idea to share with you since you never know what will pop up.
Have you ever thought about printing wrapping paper? Yeah, from your computer.
Now, of course, I wouldn't recommend this for big gifts simply because of the cost of ink. Granted it would build up over time, but if you just need a quick bit of wrapping paper, why not just print it? It sure beats going to the store for it.
The website I was thinking of has been taken down, but of course Pinterest saved the day. There are also plenty of results on Google. I would think that you could also make your own just as easily. (Maybe with a little help from Pic Monkey?)
Trinkets in Bloom has this great tutorial for actually making wrapping paper if you have time in advance. This would be adorable for Christmas time!
So there you have it. If you're in a bind, just print some wrapping paper! If you have to wrap for a lot of people and the price just adds up, you can always make pretty paper yourself.
I have gifts on the mind since Heather's Harry Potter Party is tonight. While I didn't worry about not having suitable wrapping paper this time, I thought it was a good idea to share with you since you never know what will pop up.
Now, of course, I wouldn't recommend this for big gifts simply because of the cost of ink. Granted it would build up over time, but if you just need a quick bit of wrapping paper, why not just print it? It sure beats going to the store for it.
The website I was thinking of has been taken down, but of course Pinterest saved the day. There are also plenty of results on Google. I would think that you could also make your own just as easily. (Maybe with a little help from Pic Monkey?)
Trinkets in Bloom has this great tutorial for actually making wrapping paper if you have time in advance. This would be adorable for Christmas time!
So there you have it. If you're in a bind, just print some wrapping paper! If you have to wrap for a lot of people and the price just adds up, you can always make pretty paper yourself.
Freebie Friday,
wrapping paper
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
WIP Wednesday: The Headpiece
This is what I was planning on posting last week when I had that terrible day-long migraine.
Do you remember my Freebie Friday that was about making your own porcelain dough? Well, there was a reason that I shared that with you all; I had recently searched for it for an upcoming project/costume. I'm still afraid to spoil the surprise because I think it's pretty original and awesome. I'll hopefully be posting some of Zach's as we work on his. I don't know if Heather and Mike are going to be sharing any of their photos.
So, consider this the beginning of my hints. I decided to work on a headpiece that will hopefully make my character a little more recognizable as herself. We're steampunking the original characters, and Zach was a little afraid she wouldn't be as recognizable in the garb, so I'm trying to take extra effort to incorporate things associated with her. I know this sounds really cryptic, but I hate to just reveal it and ruin the surprise for those who don't know! Bear with me, please.
First, I made the dough. I didn't have enough for the complete recipe, so I halved it and so far I have plenty. It took maybe half the ball to make this much.
I tried drawing a template for the starfish, but it always ended up looking wonky, so I scrapped it and tried using a star cookie cutter. It looked even worse, so I free-handed one. Amazingly enough, it worked! And it looked pretty darn good, if you ask me.
I baked it for an hour in a 170 oven (which is as low as my oven goes) and left the door cracked. I took so many precautions because I really didn't want this little guy to crack.
I let the oven cool for maybe another hour to where I wouldn't have to use a potholder -- mostly because I was afraid rapid temperature changes would crack him -- and sat him on top of the oven. I let him sit there for about 2 more hours to make sure he was good and dry.
After raiding our paints, I found a buttery yellow acrylic paint and did a nice few coats with a paintbrush. After that dried, I took a toothbrush with a chocolate paint to give nice, coarse strokes.
I let the brown dry and then used the toothbrush to flick yellow specks on him. Unfortunately, in my attempts to make it even, I accidentally did more than I liked. So, I let him dry again and painted a light layer of brown with my fingertips. That allowed for some little streaks and covered the bright yellow compared to the chocolate color.
I liked how the layering of the specks under the brown gave him a more porous effect. I wanted to press a sponge into him before baking, but it didn't quite work out. He dried quicker than I thought and it ended up just mushing him, so I decided I'd try to achieve that with paint.
He's not quite done yet. I still have another layer or two of dough to put and bake on there, but he's coming right along! I feel like this was the hardest part of my pretty little headpiece and the rest should fall in place easier.
Sorry about the image quality... I just took the images that I uploaded to Instagram and posted them here. I've had an unfortunate case of not-being-able-to-look-at-the-computer-screen-too-long due to my headaches. I've also been unusually tired. Maybe I need to get blood work to see if I need to up my Synthroid dosage...again. Sigh.
Anyway, that's your clue for the week as to my costume! I'm not going to say yes or no to any guesses, either! Hopefully it will get to be glaringly obvious for those of you in the anime/video game fandoms.
Do you remember my Freebie Friday that was about making your own porcelain dough? Well, there was a reason that I shared that with you all; I had recently searched for it for an upcoming project/costume. I'm still afraid to spoil the surprise because I think it's pretty original and awesome. I'll hopefully be posting some of Zach's as we work on his. I don't know if Heather and Mike are going to be sharing any of their photos.
So, consider this the beginning of my hints. I decided to work on a headpiece that will hopefully make my character a little more recognizable as herself. We're steampunking the original characters, and Zach was a little afraid she wouldn't be as recognizable in the garb, so I'm trying to take extra effort to incorporate things associated with her. I know this sounds really cryptic, but I hate to just reveal it and ruin the surprise for those who don't know! Bear with me, please.
First, I made the dough. I didn't have enough for the complete recipe, so I halved it and so far I have plenty. It took maybe half the ball to make this much.
I tried drawing a template for the starfish, but it always ended up looking wonky, so I scrapped it and tried using a star cookie cutter. It looked even worse, so I free-handed one. Amazingly enough, it worked! And it looked pretty darn good, if you ask me.
Before baking...
After baking!
After raiding our paints, I found a buttery yellow acrylic paint and did a nice few coats with a paintbrush. After that dried, I took a toothbrush with a chocolate paint to give nice, coarse strokes.
I let the brown dry and then used the toothbrush to flick yellow specks on him. Unfortunately, in my attempts to make it even, I accidentally did more than I liked. So, I let him dry again and painted a light layer of brown with my fingertips. That allowed for some little streaks and covered the bright yellow compared to the chocolate color.
I liked how the layering of the specks under the brown gave him a more porous effect. I wanted to press a sponge into him before baking, but it didn't quite work out. He dried quicker than I thought and it ended up just mushing him, so I decided I'd try to achieve that with paint.
He's not quite done yet. I still have another layer or two of dough to put and bake on there, but he's coming right along! I feel like this was the hardest part of my pretty little headpiece and the rest should fall in place easier.
Sorry about the image quality... I just took the images that I uploaded to Instagram and posted them here. I've had an unfortunate case of not-being-able-to-look-at-the-computer-screen-too-long due to my headaches. I've also been unusually tired. Maybe I need to get blood work to see if I need to up my Synthroid dosage...again. Sigh.
Anyway, that's your clue for the week as to my costume! I'm not going to say yes or no to any guesses, either! Hopefully it will get to be glaringly obvious for those of you in the anime/video game fandoms.
WIP Wednesday
Monday, July 22, 2013
Musing Mondays: Back to Normal... I Think
Well, once again, I have failed to look into technology as much as I should. I've been taking it for granted that after I schedule a post, it automatically publishes it. I would be wrong. I will henceforth remember that if I schedule a post, I must then click "publish". There's my mental note to myself on that.
My life seems to have calmed down and resumed its regularly scheduled programming now. I've been attending the some of shenanigans with Zach's family as they did their family vacation. Monday we went to the water park. Tuesday they went horseback riding -- which Zach and I missed it, though. Wednesday morning they went canoeing, but running water isn't quite my bag; if something is living in the water such as fish, I don't much want to be in there with it. Wednesday and Thursday, they went on a camping trip, which really isn't my bag, either. They got back on Friday and we went to the river after lunch and went jet skiing on one of his mom's coworker's jet skis. Saturday was for relaxing and they went to the movies to see Turbo while Zach was at work. I would have gone, but my terrible migraine's have come back.
Sunday, we celebrated mom's birthday with my grandparents. Monday we're going to dinner for mom's birthday.
Oh my... This was the free cake that came with her birthday dinner. It was huge. Three layers deep and it had to have been from the biggest pizza pan they had. It was gargantuan. Those are peach slices for reference, by the way. The best part about this diabetes educing cake is that it's on the menu for three dollars. WHAT?!
As for crafting, I'm still working on my headpiece. Wednesday will be your first update on it and you'll get to guess what one of my costumes will be! People are starting to get on my case about sewing because there isn't as much time as I would like between then and now. They seem to forget my powers of procrastination.
This week is also my friend Heather's birthday and we will be attending the shenanigans with her in Tennessee later this week. I'm super excited because she's having a Harry Potter themed party. Now, I'll admit that I haven't read all of the Harry Potter books. Shocking and saddening, I know. I was reading them as they came out, but during one of the breaks while a book was being written or published, I started Lord of the Rings. After that, Harry and his friends seemed -- well, childish. I dropped the series and ventured on to more adult literature. Since her party is Harry Potter themed, Zach thought it only suiting for me to marathon the movies, and I agreed with him. We just finished Deathly Hallows Part One tonight.
I'm planning on doing that poo-free post soon! I think I'm going to do a special Tuesday or Thursday post for it so that I don't mess up my regular programming.
My life seems to have calmed down and resumed its regularly scheduled programming now. I've been attending the some of shenanigans with Zach's family as they did their family vacation. Monday we went to the water park. Tuesday they went horseback riding -- which Zach and I missed it, though. Wednesday morning they went canoeing, but running water isn't quite my bag; if something is living in the water such as fish, I don't much want to be in there with it. Wednesday and Thursday, they went on a camping trip, which really isn't my bag, either. They got back on Friday and we went to the river after lunch and went jet skiing on one of his mom's coworker's jet skis. Saturday was for relaxing and they went to the movies to see Turbo while Zach was at work. I would have gone, but my terrible migraine's have come back.
Sunday, we celebrated mom's birthday with my grandparents. Monday we're going to dinner for mom's birthday.
Oh my... This was the free cake that came with her birthday dinner. It was huge. Three layers deep and it had to have been from the biggest pizza pan they had. It was gargantuan. Those are peach slices for reference, by the way. The best part about this diabetes educing cake is that it's on the menu for three dollars. WHAT?!
As for crafting, I'm still working on my headpiece. Wednesday will be your first update on it and you'll get to guess what one of my costumes will be! People are starting to get on my case about sewing because there isn't as much time as I would like between then and now. They seem to forget my powers of procrastination.
This week is also my friend Heather's birthday and we will be attending the shenanigans with her in Tennessee later this week. I'm super excited because she's having a Harry Potter themed party. Now, I'll admit that I haven't read all of the Harry Potter books. Shocking and saddening, I know. I was reading them as they came out, but during one of the breaks while a book was being written or published, I started Lord of the Rings. After that, Harry and his friends seemed -- well, childish. I dropped the series and ventured on to more adult literature. Since her party is Harry Potter themed, Zach thought it only suiting for me to marathon the movies, and I agreed with him. We just finished Deathly Hallows Part One tonight.
I'm planning on doing that poo-free post soon! I think I'm going to do a special Tuesday or Thursday post for it so that I don't mess up my regular programming.
Musing Monday,
Friday, July 19, 2013
Freebie Friday: Making Your Photos Pretty
Alright. I admit that this has nothing to do with my costume or upcoming projects. I just couldn't think of free things I've used so far except for the dough recipe, which I shared last week. But still, I thought it was great once I sat down and played with it for a while. What am I talking about?
This was what I used when I first started getting into PicMonkey. As you can see, Katrina's Kitchen did a 4 part series on different aspects of PicMonkey. They're all super easy to read and follow. If you take a close look around the site and the Facebook page, you may be able to see where I learned a few things. :)
You know it, you love it... PicMonkey.
I was hesitant because I liked those swanky programs that were totally not user friendly and I ended up never using because of such. Yeah. PicMonkey is nothing like that. Here are some tutorials that I found useful for PicMonkey.
This was what I used when I first started getting into PicMonkey. As you can see, Katrina's Kitchen did a 4 part series on different aspects of PicMonkey. They're all super easy to read and follow. If you take a close look around the site and the Facebook page, you may be able to see where I learned a few things. :)
"But PicMonkey is a dinky little free program and I can't do much with it without paying money and blah blah." You know, I thought that, too. Until I started playing around with it, that is. Let Leigh Valley Momma give you a few pointers on how to take advantage of the features. It really has more features than it seems, but it's still simple to use.
Posting your photos online? A watermark is always a great idea. I haven't quite started working with watermarks yet -- mostly because I keep thinking I'll make a brush for it that I can simple click and place -- but it's coming! Rags to Stitches has a great tutorial on making watermarks in PicMonkey.
Of course, a quick search will get you tons more results. I just wanted to share a few of them.
Now, as a free user, it's relatively limited, which is why I like to supplement my photos with a few other programs. I don't have Photoshop (yet), so I make do with what I can.
For example, my uncle who works with programming suggested Gimp, which is my default program for artsy stuff now. I haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet, but I'm working on it! My favorite part about it is that it is free.
Then a friend turned me on to a more advanced photo editor called simply Online Image Editor, which is more like a user-friendly version of Gimp that is browser-based. I also thought it was pretty neat that you can make gif files with it also.
The photos that I post on my blog are usually used in a combination of ways. I like the fonts on my computer, so I do my fonts through Gimp. I edit the coloration through Online Image Editor. If I want to make a collage or something cute, I use PicMonkey in conjunction.
What do you use for image editing? If you don't have one you love, give these a try!
Freebie Friday,
online image editor,
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
A Not So WIP Wednesday
Hey, all. I'm sorry for not having a post prepared for today. I had a terrible migraine all day Tuesday and couldn't bear to stare at the computer screen to write a post. I guess that's what I get for not having posts already prepared, eh?
I just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't forget! We'll return to the regularly scheduled posting by Friday. Promise.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't forget! We'll return to the regularly scheduled posting by Friday. Promise.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Musing Monday: Small Blog Update, Costuming Hints, Distractions, & Tragedy
Alright guys, let me just start off with something I just noticed before I go into my weekend. Holy crap where did those almost 400 pageviews come from the other day? I usually schedule my posts in advance (when I'm not writing them last minute, which is a common trend as of late), so I don't always see my pageviews. To be honest, I hadn't looked since maybe Wednesday, so when I jumped from 1,000 to 1,358 in a week, I was surprised. I had a spike of almost 200 on Thursday. So, woah, holy crap where did these pageviews come from out of the blue?!
I hope you liked it and decided to stay! Please do comment and feel free to follow on social media. :)
As far as the blog goes, I'm planning on doing a post toward the end of the month on my experiences with going poo-free. I've been taking periodic pictures of my hair to show my transitions. Don't worry. I'm not going to make you sit through a vacation slideshow photo presentation of my hair or anything. Besides, it will only be one month.
I've also decided a little bit on an upcoming project. A few friends and I are doing a group costume for this year's Anime Weekend Atlanta. I just hate to spoil the surprise before it comes together! I'll hopefully be helping Zach with his, too. It's going to mostly involve sewing, but also a little imagination and construction, as well as a little sculpting and painting. What on earth could it be?!
Remember me posting about sewing patterns last Monday? Well, between Zach and my grandmother I think I've decided to at least give it a shot at making the steampunk dress I bought a pattern for. Now, I'm planning on buying the cheapest non-tulle fabric I can to give a practice run. I really don't want to spend a lot of money on fabric just to give up in the middle of it or to mess it up. I'll definitely keep you posted on that!
Sometimes, I feel like I have a million things going at once. Of course I want to spend time with Zach, Benni, and my little Booger. I want to play video games. I want to craft. I want to play Dungeons and Dragons. I want to read. I want to craft. I want to blog. Ugh, all these things I want to do! I have them almost all going at the same time, but I feel like I get nowhere with them. Sacrifices, I guess. (Enjoy the silly collage. If you want, it enlarges when you click it.)
Now, on to the sadder news. Zach and I received news late last week that one of our friends' mom passed away. This was a friend that we spent almost every day with during last summer and had been friends with since high school. We were all very shocked because, although we knew she wasn't in the best of health, she was still relatively young. He is an only child, his father passed away some years ago, and only really has his grandmother, aunts and uncles.
I'm not saying this to be depressing. He has always been a bit of a loner and will deal with it in his own time. He has all of us and his girlfriend who has helped him tremendously throughout this whole ordeal. We just don't think he's dealt with his feelings yet or gained closure. If you have a spare moment, send your thoughts, prayers, well-wishes, good vibes, or whatever it is you do to this little family in Alabama.
I hate to leave you on such a sad note, so here's a picture that always makes me laugh:
See you guys soon.
bonus lemur,
Musing Monday,
poo free,
upcoming project,
Friday, July 12, 2013
Freebie Friday: Make Your Own Porcelain Dough!
In throwing around ideas for one of my steampunk costumes, I decided to make my own headpiece. The main focus of the headpiece is going to be a starfish. I toyed around with several ways to make this, including buying a real starfish, but ultimately decided to try it with clay first. I wanted something lightweight because it would be on my head, but durable because I am accident prone.
I ran across a blog post by Puffy Little Things where she shares her recipe for homemade cold
I ran across a blog post by Puffy Little Things where she shares her recipe for homemade cold
porcelain dough in the microwave. If you have cornstarch, glue, vinegar, and oil, you have this amazing dough that takes only minutes to make.
She makes these beautiful roses with this recipe. (Rose tutorial here.)
I halved her recipe because I was running low on cornstarch. My old microwave also required four fifteen second cooking sessions instead of three. Once it's kneaded together, the dough is very smooth and soft. I kept playing with the dough and didn't want to put it in the refrigerator!
I haven't sculpted my starfish yet, but I will soon and post pictures. I'm super excited to try out sculpting her dough! Need a little prop for a costume or a cute little gift? This is a great, cheap solution that still looks beautiful and elegant.
Freebie Friday,
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
WIP Wednesday: Steampunk Costuming Resources Needed
Guys, I'm going to be honest with you. I got my days mixed up somehow. Somewhere between Sunday and today, I lost a day. I've been thinking I had an extra day to work on my WIP Wednesday post. I guess I really need to instill that blog planner I made a few weeks back, huh? I wish I could say that I got busy and lost track, but that would be a lie.
Something I've been wondering for about a year now (and I posted on the Facebook page) is if there is any sewing pattern for a corset cover out there? I spent more money than I'm really willing to say on this beautiful corset a few years ago. It's terribly comfortable, though starting to get a little big since I've lost some weight.
While I love the beautiful pattern and fit, I would like a little more versatility available in my costuming. Because I don't want to spend a large amount of money like that on another corset, I wondered if there was a way to make a temporary cover for it -- kind of similar to those removable reupholsterings.
My friend Heather suggested I just make a new one, but the complexity behind them scares me a little. I can sew and follow a pattern, but I'm no seamstress. Even some simple things scare me sewing related...much less boning and panels? I do have a pattern for corsets, though so I may give it a try...
Since I'm asking for any ideas on corset-related items, I may as well ask for other steampunk ideas any of my readers may have. I feel like I have a hard time picking out costumes that will look good on me because I am a bigger girl. All the ones I see are beautiful, but wouldn't fit right on me. For example, I had kind of envisioned a steampunk lolita, which is what the photo above was supposed to be.
Costume, hair, makeup, anything. Throw me some suggestions. I'm always up for trying new things costume-wise. If you do post suggestions, I'll do my best to try them and post the results. (Oh dear, this could be dangerous with hair and makeup...)
But, I really am working on this:
I'm sorry for blowing you guys off for a book. In my defense:
Next week, I promise I'll have more of a WIP Wednesday post and not just some silly little filler like this. :) I am truly sorry for forgetting my days.
Something I've been wondering for about a year now (and I posted on the Facebook page) is if there is any sewing pattern for a corset cover out there? I spent more money than I'm really willing to say on this beautiful corset a few years ago. It's terribly comfortable, though starting to get a little big since I've lost some weight.
It was a prop flask and it was empty to begin with, thank you very much!
While I love the beautiful pattern and fit, I would like a little more versatility available in my costuming. Because I don't want to spend a large amount of money like that on another corset, I wondered if there was a way to make a temporary cover for it -- kind of similar to those removable reupholsterings.
My friend Heather suggested I just make a new one, but the complexity behind them scares me a little. I can sew and follow a pattern, but I'm no seamstress. Even some simple things scare me sewing related...much less boning and panels? I do have a pattern for corsets, though so I may give it a try...
Since I'm asking for any ideas on corset-related items, I may as well ask for other steampunk ideas any of my readers may have. I feel like I have a hard time picking out costumes that will look good on me because I am a bigger girl. All the ones I see are beautiful, but wouldn't fit right on me. For example, I had kind of envisioned a steampunk lolita, which is what the photo above was supposed to be.
Costume, hair, makeup, anything. Throw me some suggestions. I'm always up for trying new things costume-wise. If you do post suggestions, I'll do my best to try them and post the results. (Oh dear, this could be dangerous with hair and makeup...)
But, I really am working on this:
I'm sorry for blowing you guys off for a book. In my defense:
Next week, I promise I'll have more of a WIP Wednesday post and not just some silly little filler like this. :) I am truly sorry for forgetting my days.
oops I did it again,
WIP Wednesday
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Hey. I'm Jeshi and I like to craft all kinds of things. Thanks to the wonders of the internet we DIY-ers can share our processes with others. Want to know more about me? Click here.
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