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Wednesday, August 28, 2013
WIP Wednesday: Working on Exhaustion
I know, I have to stop this. I need to start scheduling posts like way in advance.
But here's the thing: I've been so nervous and focused on my job interview since I got the call on Friday. That means I did nothing really but freak out and prepare until Tuesday. I do think it went really well, however, and will give more details on Monday!
I hope this is understandable. This is my first job interview for a real job and being a real adult.
I did make some progress on my headpiece, but after all of the day's stress, I would really like to just sleep and not work on taking pictures and the like. I am exhausted and have to be up early in the morning for a substitute teacher seminar. (Don't put all your eggs in one basket, right?)
Please understand and stick with me guys!
But here's the thing: I've been so nervous and focused on my job interview since I got the call on Friday. That means I did nothing really but freak out and prepare until Tuesday. I do think it went really well, however, and will give more details on Monday!
I hope this is understandable. This is my first job interview for a real job and being a real adult.
I did make some progress on my headpiece, but after all of the day's stress, I would really like to just sleep and not work on taking pictures and the like. I am exhausted and have to be up early in the morning for a substitute teacher seminar. (Don't put all your eggs in one basket, right?)
Please understand and stick with me guys!
In the meantime, enjoy the Facebook Fails over at Notes from Carcosa!
oops I did it again,
WIP Wednesday
Monday, August 26, 2013
Musing Mondays: Dogs, Sore as a Dog, and Excited Like a Dog
Man, oh, man, is it good to be back here and on the internet. I hate how flawed my week's posts were with forgetting to put pictures and not scheduling posts and whatnot. I'm going to try to be better, which I do try to do every week. I liked the silly dog theme for the title. I hope "excited as a dog" makes sense; I was thinking about how excited dogs are when you get home. Anyway...
Since people in real life keep asking how Harley, our sick dog, is doing, I thought I'd update you guys, too. Remember how they didn't think he would be able to get up? Well, he's moving around pretty well. There are still times when he has to try again, but he is getting up and moving around. He's on the dog version of Ibuprofen for now. I don't know if they are going to add more medicine later when he's getting around like he used to.
He's up, moving around, and eating -- although you can tell he's lost some weight. He still seems pretty happy, too.
I know I said I wanted to get a working meal planner for myself, but that hasn't happened yet. I do pretty good to try to plan it out when I know I'm going to be home, but when I'm at Zach's it is a bit harder. I have made progress, though it is starting to slow. I just took that as a sign that I needed to tack on more exercise than just walking.
I felt like a total dork doing a Google search on "how to work out at home", but I did. I actually got some pretty useful results. I'm going to try putting a routine I found in Women's Health in place starting today.
I told Zach that I missed the classes that I was able to do at the gym at my college. I did piloxing, which is a combination of Pilates and boxing, on Tuesdays, then used the elliptical and walked on Thursdays. His mom brought me coupons and a class schedule for the local women only gym she attends. I want to try them out, but I really don't want to go alone, to be honest. Her package doesn't include classes, I don't think, so it would be extra for her to go to one.
I've been considering joining a gym. Though I don't have a job, I have money put back from when I worked at Walmart. That's my biggest con to joining one. I feel like it would help me actually go, though. I mean, if you're paying $25 or so a month for a gym membership, you'd be stupid not to actually go a few times a week. I'm still unsure on it, though. If her gym has a free week or something, I may try it.
Oh wait, speaking of not having a job, mom called to tell me about the substitute teacher seminar for our local city schools. That's how I plan on spending my Wednesday morning. About fifteen minutes after she called, I got another call from one of the school systems I did my student teaching in. They wanted to schedule me for an interview! I interview with them tomorrow at 3:30, so wish me luck and confidence!
I know it's a panel interview, so I'm considering making a few little portfolio packets for them, including my resume, sample lesson plans, etc. Is that a little much? I don't know... I'm just so excited and nervous!
Since people in real life keep asking how Harley, our sick dog, is doing, I thought I'd update you guys, too. Remember how they didn't think he would be able to get up? Well, he's moving around pretty well. There are still times when he has to try again, but he is getting up and moving around. He's on the dog version of Ibuprofen for now. I don't know if they are going to add more medicine later when he's getting around like he used to.
He's up, moving around, and eating -- although you can tell he's lost some weight. He still seems pretty happy, too.
I know I said I wanted to get a working meal planner for myself, but that hasn't happened yet. I do pretty good to try to plan it out when I know I'm going to be home, but when I'm at Zach's it is a bit harder. I have made progress, though it is starting to slow. I just took that as a sign that I needed to tack on more exercise than just walking.
I felt like a total dork doing a Google search on "how to work out at home", but I did. I actually got some pretty useful results. I'm going to try putting a routine I found in Women's Health in place starting today.
It's an 8 step, minute each routine. There's a video, but I couldn't get it to link.
I told Zach that I missed the classes that I was able to do at the gym at my college. I did piloxing, which is a combination of Pilates and boxing, on Tuesdays, then used the elliptical and walked on Thursdays. His mom brought me coupons and a class schedule for the local women only gym she attends. I want to try them out, but I really don't want to go alone, to be honest. Her package doesn't include classes, I don't think, so it would be extra for her to go to one.
I've been considering joining a gym. Though I don't have a job, I have money put back from when I worked at Walmart. That's my biggest con to joining one. I feel like it would help me actually go, though. I mean, if you're paying $25 or so a month for a gym membership, you'd be stupid not to actually go a few times a week. I'm still unsure on it, though. If her gym has a free week or something, I may try it.
Oh wait, speaking of not having a job, mom called to tell me about the substitute teacher seminar for our local city schools. That's how I plan on spending my Wednesday morning. About fifteen minutes after she called, I got another call from one of the school systems I did my student teaching in. They wanted to schedule me for an interview! I interview with them tomorrow at 3:30, so wish me luck and confidence!
I know it's a panel interview, so I'm considering making a few little portfolio packets for them, including my resume, sample lesson plans, etc. Is that a little much? I don't know... I'm just so excited and nervous!
Musing Monday,
Friday, August 23, 2013
Freebie Friday: Scraps to Shelves!
Alright, so I can't take credit for this. I mentioned to my grandparents that I was considering making a type of bookcase for my closet; not for actual books, but for miscellaneous things. I had drawn up a blueprint, but since we don't have a power saw, it'd be a pain in the butt for me to try to make it myself.
Nana had been asking dimensions for it and pointed out a part of a desk that they had in their garage. It was a little taller than I was originally going for, but I wasn't going to complain. The width was about perfect and it already had shelves.
She called again a week or so later wanting to double check the dimensions one last time because "Pop was looking for something to do" that day. I confirmed and reconfirmed that the dimensions were right and that I was sure it would work.
A mere few hours later and this beauty was finished! The body of it is from a desk and the backing was leftover cabinet wood.
I mostly wanted something where I could put my perfume and lotion bottles so they would be out of the way, but I also realized it would be great for some of the makeup that I don't use regularly. I'm still working on filling up the shelves, but that's an amazing feeling.
Also, you can see my repurposed cans. I haven't gotten around to covering them, but I thought they worked quite nicely. I may have to salvage a few more from the recycle bin.
So remember, craftranauts: Next time you're making a yard sale pile or going through yard sales, look at things from a different angle. Think of different purposes it could have. Think outside of the box.
Like I really have to tell you guys that...
Nana had been asking dimensions for it and pointed out a part of a desk that they had in their garage. It was a little taller than I was originally going for, but I wasn't going to complain. The width was about perfect and it already had shelves.
She called again a week or so later wanting to double check the dimensions one last time because "Pop was looking for something to do" that day. I confirmed and reconfirmed that the dimensions were right and that I was sure it would work.
A mere few hours later and this beauty was finished! The body of it is from a desk and the backing was leftover cabinet wood.
I mostly wanted something where I could put my perfume and lotion bottles so they would be out of the way, but I also realized it would be great for some of the makeup that I don't use regularly. I'm still working on filling up the shelves, but that's an amazing feeling.
Also, you can see my repurposed cans. I haven't gotten around to covering them, but I thought they worked quite nicely. I may have to salvage a few more from the recycle bin.
So remember, craftranauts: Next time you're making a yard sale pile or going through yard sales, look at things from a different angle. Think of different purposes it could have. Think outside of the box.
Like I really have to tell you guys that...
Freebie Friday,
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
WIP Wednesday: More of the Starfish
How much longer can I drag this stupid little starfish out, right? Well, I'm almost done with him. He's practically down to the tiny little details now that don't even have to be included. I know I haven't done much with him since we last saw each other, but I've really been brainstorming my last minute costume ideas. That's right, our convention is in a little over a month and I have no new costumes. Poops. That means I really have to get to work in this next month!
This is how we last saw this little guy, right? Oh wow, that makes me feel like I've done so little... I made the gem casing, which took longer than expected because I had to let it air-dry, along with those two little leg spoke things. Then, to my mortification, I could not get the gem out. After a little gentle prodding with a toothpick, it wiggled out.
I painted the gem casing and those little leg spoke things on it as close to a golden color as I could get. It looks a little more buttery than golden, but I feel like the color works a little better with a steampunk flare to it. The casing and the little spoke things dried together, which is a relief for me, but I'm still going to hot glue them both down...just to be sure.
I pulled the gem off. Turns out my super glue wasn't really that super. I decided I'll hot glue it when I reattach it. I liked the color of it, but knowing it was supposed to be a gem and that it was pretty matte, I had a brilliant idea. I grabbed a some nail polish a shade deeper and put a few coats on it. Now it's pretty and super shiny. I feel like it looks a lot more like a gem now. I thought about adding flecks of glitter to it, but I thought that would be a little much.
Thinking back, I probably could have used one of those little glass half-marble things. I got some for mom a few years back to help decorate her bathroom, so I even have it in that dark red color. Oh well, it would have probably shown the colors underneath anyway.
Just to be safe, I covered the starfish body with a matte finishing coat, which I had stolen from Zach. I could have probably skipped this step, but I'm pretty paranoid about him getting messed up. After I got the gem casing the color I wanted and let it dry, I covered it with the matte finishing, too.
Now, it's down to the hot gluing and putting this bad boy together! Since I made it all in different steps and let things dry in between, I was able to build each piece around one another. This way, all of my pieces fit together perfectly.
All I have left are some minor details. I had considered putting a little bit of felt on the back on it to make it a little nicer. I also thought that might make the hair clip stay on it better. I had also played around with attaching pearls to it, but I haven't quite decided. Thoughts, opinions, or constructive criticism?
Have you figured it out yet? Since he's done, leave your ideas on who/what it is in the comments and I'll reveal it on Monday.
This is how we last saw this little guy, right? Oh wow, that makes me feel like I've done so little... I made the gem casing, which took longer than expected because I had to let it air-dry, along with those two little leg spoke things. Then, to my mortification, I could not get the gem out. After a little gentle prodding with a toothpick, it wiggled out.
I painted the gem casing and those little leg spoke things on it as close to a golden color as I could get. It looks a little more buttery than golden, but I feel like the color works a little better with a steampunk flare to it. The casing and the little spoke things dried together, which is a relief for me, but I'm still going to hot glue them both down...just to be sure.
I pulled the gem off. Turns out my super glue wasn't really that super. I decided I'll hot glue it when I reattach it. I liked the color of it, but knowing it was supposed to be a gem and that it was pretty matte, I had a brilliant idea. I grabbed a some nail polish a shade deeper and put a few coats on it. Now it's pretty and super shiny. I feel like it looks a lot more like a gem now. I thought about adding flecks of glitter to it, but I thought that would be a little much.
Thinking back, I probably could have used one of those little glass half-marble things. I got some for mom a few years back to help decorate her bathroom, so I even have it in that dark red color. Oh well, it would have probably shown the colors underneath anyway.
Just to be safe, I covered the starfish body with a matte finishing coat, which I had stolen from Zach. I could have probably skipped this step, but I'm pretty paranoid about him getting messed up. After I got the gem casing the color I wanted and let it dry, I covered it with the matte finishing, too.
Now, it's down to the hot gluing and putting this bad boy together! Since I made it all in different steps and let things dry in between, I was able to build each piece around one another. This way, all of my pieces fit together perfectly.
All I have left are some minor details. I had considered putting a little bit of felt on the back on it to make it a little nicer. I also thought that might make the hair clip stay on it better. I had also played around with attaching pearls to it, but I haven't quite decided. Thoughts, opinions, or constructive criticism?
Have you figured it out yet? Since he's done, leave your ideas on who/what it is in the comments and I'll reveal it on Monday.
WIP Wednesday
Monday, August 19, 2013
Musing Mondays: Finally, I Return!
Ugh, we finally got out router problem fixed. We tried using a few other routers from my tech-savvy uncle, but no dice. We did discover it wasn't the modem, which kind of sucks because then it would have been our power company's issue since we technically rent it from them. But anyway, one huge headache and a new router later, I have internet again.
Unfortunately, the router issue isn't the only bummer we've had. Our outside dog of 9 or so years, Harley, had to make an emergency vet visit. He just wouldn't get up last Saturday. The vet said he apparently had a stroke; he didn't think he would be able to get back up because he's such a big dog. (He's a Border Collie/Great Pyrenees mix.) That wasn't his only issue, but it was the most life-threatening. The vet called the next morning to say that he wasn't getting up, but about fifteen minutes later, he called back saying that he did get up. We brought him home on Monday and have been keeping an eye on him for any signs that he needs to go back.
We know with so many issues, it's just a matter of time, but he's still there. If he had a vacant or pained look in his eyes, it would be an easier decision. But that's not the case. He still looks like a puppy -- just happy and loving in his eyes. He looks like he's not ready to go.
Anyway, let's get off of these depressing topics...
Did you guys get to check out the meteor shower on the 10th through 13th? I got two good nights of star gazing out of it; it was pretty cloudy the rest of the time. We saw some that were so big that they looked like missiles! Huge orange comet-like tail and everything! I was so amazed.
Remember my huge upgrade from the Droid R2D2 to the Galaxy S4? My mom just made an even bigger upgrade due to dropping her phone in a pool. (The bag of rice trick didn't work. I guess it had been too long or it was just beyond repair.) She went from the Samsung Alias to the Droid Razr M. Holy crap, Batman. I tried to take care of as much of the initial setup as I could. Zach said, "Aw, isn't that sweet of you!" There's a fine line between "sweet" and "selfish." I did it to save the headache of walking her through doing it. She's adjusting. It's taking a while for her to get the right touch for the touch screen, for some reason, but it's coming right along.
I've mentioned before that I'm reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series, right? (The Game of Thrones television series, if you're more familiar with it that way.) I made it to the second book, where things start to differ from the television series. As you may know, the second book is called A Clash of Kings; however, I've renamed it to "A Crash of Kings" because every time I try to read it, I struggle to stay awake. I don't know why. So, I decided it may be a good idea to get the audio book so that I could listen to it while I was on the treadmill or something. Such a great idea. In one day I listened to about four chapters. It usually works out where I'm on the treadmill for about one chapter. I'm over halfway done with the book now.
Speaking of being on the treadmill, when we last talked, I said I was trying to lose weight. During my absence, I've lost about 10 pounds! Yep, about 5 pounds a week. Not too bad, if I do say so myself. I've been dieting and walking on the treadmill to build stamina before I start running. I started doing half a mile each day, then a mile. Next week, I'll do a mile and a half. Of course, right now, I'm just walking; I'm afraid I'll hurt my legs if I start off trying to run.
Last matter of business: I had considered adding a blog post per week mentioning some of the things I had pinned or saw on Pinterest. What do you guys think about that? Just like a little highlight of a few pins, nothing too extravagant or anything. It was just something I had been toying around with while I was only able to surf the internet through my phone.
Alright, sorry for the huge wall of text! I had to catch you all up with what had been going on while I was semi-off-the-grid.
If you haven't looked at Hyperbole and a Half yet, you really need to.
Unfortunately, the router issue isn't the only bummer we've had. Our outside dog of 9 or so years, Harley, had to make an emergency vet visit. He just wouldn't get up last Saturday. The vet said he apparently had a stroke; he didn't think he would be able to get back up because he's such a big dog. (He's a Border Collie/Great Pyrenees mix.) That wasn't his only issue, but it was the most life-threatening. The vet called the next morning to say that he wasn't getting up, but about fifteen minutes later, he called back saying that he did get up. We brought him home on Monday and have been keeping an eye on him for any signs that he needs to go back.
We know with so many issues, it's just a matter of time, but he's still there. If he had a vacant or pained look in his eyes, it would be an easier decision. But that's not the case. He still looks like a puppy -- just happy and loving in his eyes. He looks like he's not ready to go.
Anyway, let's get off of these depressing topics...
Did you guys get to check out the meteor shower on the 10th through 13th? I got two good nights of star gazing out of it; it was pretty cloudy the rest of the time. We saw some that were so big that they looked like missiles! Huge orange comet-like tail and everything! I was so amazed.
(Both images found through a Google search.)
Remember my huge upgrade from the Droid R2D2 to the Galaxy S4? My mom just made an even bigger upgrade due to dropping her phone in a pool. (The bag of rice trick didn't work. I guess it had been too long or it was just beyond repair.) She went from the Samsung Alias to the Droid Razr M. Holy crap, Batman. I tried to take care of as much of the initial setup as I could. Zach said, "Aw, isn't that sweet of you!" There's a fine line between "sweet" and "selfish." I did it to save the headache of walking her through doing it. She's adjusting. It's taking a while for her to get the right touch for the touch screen, for some reason, but it's coming right along.
I've mentioned before that I'm reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series, right? (The Game of Thrones television series, if you're more familiar with it that way.) I made it to the second book, where things start to differ from the television series. As you may know, the second book is called A Clash of Kings; however, I've renamed it to "A Crash of Kings" because every time I try to read it, I struggle to stay awake. I don't know why. So, I decided it may be a good idea to get the audio book so that I could listen to it while I was on the treadmill or something. Such a great idea. In one day I listened to about four chapters. It usually works out where I'm on the treadmill for about one chapter. I'm over halfway done with the book now.
Speaking of being on the treadmill, when we last talked, I said I was trying to lose weight. During my absence, I've lost about 10 pounds! Yep, about 5 pounds a week. Not too bad, if I do say so myself. I've been dieting and walking on the treadmill to build stamina before I start running. I started doing half a mile each day, then a mile. Next week, I'll do a mile and a half. Of course, right now, I'm just walking; I'm afraid I'll hurt my legs if I start off trying to run.
Last matter of business: I had considered adding a blog post per week mentioning some of the things I had pinned or saw on Pinterest. What do you guys think about that? Just like a little highlight of a few pins, nothing too extravagant or anything. It was just something I had been toying around with while I was only able to surf the internet through my phone.
Alright, sorry for the huge wall of text! I had to catch you all up with what had been going on while I was semi-off-the-grid.
Musing Monday,
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
An Update on the Lack of Updates This Week
Sorry about the lack of updates so far this week. Our router went out on Sunday afternoon and we haven't had time to replace it yet. (Again, I'm cheap and trying to figure out if the router is salvageable.) I'm stealing Zach's internet for a little bit to go ahead and post this.
That's why I haven't done any updates this week. I'm so sorry. I haven't forgotten you, I promise! I've just had terrible luck with technology lately.
That's why I haven't done any updates this week. I'm so sorry. I haven't forgotten you, I promise! I've just had terrible luck with technology lately.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Freebie Friday: Meal Planners
Happy August, everyone!
Alright, guys and girls, I mentioned on Wednesday that I was trying to start meal planning for myself. I say myself because I'm a vegetarian and I would honestly never have a clue how many to cook for if I even did plan something that I could omit the meat. That's neither here nor there, though.
I'm starting meal planning (or hopefully starting it) to help myself lose weight. Like Zach pointed out, the less time I spend dwelling over what's for dinner, the less time I would think about food, so the less hungry I would be throughout the day.
Meal planning is also a great way to budget if you're trying to watch your spending. It's also great for families with children so you don't have to hear that infamous "What's for dinner?" Whatever your reason for meal planning, I'm sure it was difficult to begin with, but has made life easier.
I admit, I'm a fan of hand-writing things. I know it's easier to type it -- at least for me -- but I remember more if I write it by hand. When I ran across printable meal planners, I was happy. (Because, of course I also like things to be cute. Duh.)
Me? I had just planned on doing something simple like this planner from Grace Got Healthy for right now. At least for while I'm just planning for myself. I've found that I don't need a snack between breakfast and lunch, nor after dinner. If I do grant myself a dessert, it's just a fruit, though.
You can find plenty of printable meal planners and how people use them on Pinterest.
I also found that there were a few on Microsoft. I was looking for "planner" because I doubted they had meal planner templates. I was wrong, though! If you don't find one you like on Pinterest or through Google, you can always make your own by tweaking the templates in Word.
Do you guys meal plan? What method do you use?
Freebie Friday,
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Hey. I'm Jeshi and I like to craft all kinds of things. Thanks to the wonders of the internet we DIY-ers can share our processes with others. Want to know more about me? Click here.
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