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A few years ago, I was introduced to the wonderful world of steampunk. If you haven't heard of it before, there are a multitude of re...
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Happy Labor Day! So, originally, I thought it was only going to be an interview on Tuesday. I spent the entire time from Friday until...
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Musing Monday: No News is Good News?
I've always heard "No news is good news," but it's been a week and I haven't heard anything from either of the schools where I've interviewed. I thought for sure they would at least send a "the position has been filled" email. My hopes aren't crashing down yet, though.
Although, our anime convention is next weekend! I'm super excited. I've been getting my sew on (as you could probably tell from last week's WIP Wednesday). You know, I'm not even as into anime as I was when I started going to these conventions, but I still get super excited every time. I guess it's just one of those times where I get to be as strange as I want. I'm not saying that I'm much weirder than I am day-to-day, but I get to dress up in pretty steampunk attire, walk around with painted Nerf guns, talk in a British accent if I want, and attend a tea party without anyone judging me.
The down side is that I like to incorporate new costumes pretty much every year. This means I either have to shell out a bunch of money, or sew. I don't hate the idea of sewing; I just know I'm not great at it and require a lot of help. Since I don't like asking for help, I usually end up putting it off until the last minute.
Since I'm notorious for this, my uncles now give me a hard time saying, "So you're going to be over here at 4 am the night before working on it." That was one time, Brent. One time. Nana keeps asking if I have made progress. Even my other uncle is starting in. I don't mind since they mean well, though. (Except for Brent, who is just taunting me.)
This year, I am determined to not be over there sewing at the last minute, nor am I going to be sewing at home at the last minute. I'm going to be done earlier in the week.
Although, our anime convention is next weekend! I'm super excited. I've been getting my sew on (as you could probably tell from last week's WIP Wednesday). You know, I'm not even as into anime as I was when I started going to these conventions, but I still get super excited every time. I guess it's just one of those times where I get to be as strange as I want. I'm not saying that I'm much weirder than I am day-to-day, but I get to dress up in pretty steampunk attire, walk around with painted Nerf guns, talk in a British accent if I want, and attend a tea party without anyone judging me.
The down side is that I like to incorporate new costumes pretty much every year. This means I either have to shell out a bunch of money, or sew. I don't hate the idea of sewing; I just know I'm not great at it and require a lot of help. Since I don't like asking for help, I usually end up putting it off until the last minute.
Since I'm notorious for this, my uncles now give me a hard time saying, "So you're going to be over here at 4 am the night before working on it." That was one time, Brent. One time. Nana keeps asking if I have made progress. Even my other uncle is starting in. I don't mind since they mean well, though. (Except for Brent, who is just taunting me.)
This year, I am determined to not be over there sewing at the last minute, nor am I going to be sewing at home at the last minute. I'm going to be done earlier in the week.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
WIP Wednesday: Everyday I'm Bustling
Alright, I know I promised a new theme and here it is: Steampunk September! While I suppose I should have been using it on my starfi -- wait, I can say it now -- Staryu headpiece, I didn't want to use it before September began.
Steampunk September is named as such because of our upcoming anime convention. Instead of dressing as traditional anime characters or the like, we enjoy steampunking. It's the one weekend a year I get to lace up in my corset without people pestering me with questions about it hurting/being uncomfortable/etc. (By the way, corsets are not uncomfortable to me; in fact, they help my posture and my back.) Also, I rather enjoy alliteration.
That being said, I began sewing this week. I found a full sized bed sheet in this pretty buttery color. It was $1.95 at a thrift shop. It wasn't until I got it home, however, that I noticed a large splotch of yellow marker on it, too. It kind of made me wonder if the sheet was originally yellow, but whatever.
The yellow sheet was made into a full-length skirt; I used elastic for the waist band because it would be hidden underneath my corset. I want to make another skirt in blue to go on top of it. The blue skirt would be bustled.
I thought that the hem of the sheet itself would be great for the hem of the skirt; I wouldn't even have to do anything to it!
Then, I noticed that if I doubled it over, the elastic for the waist would fit inside well, so I decided to use it as my waistband instead. I doubled it over, sewed it together, and sewed a top stitch to make a little channel for the elastic.
For my bottom hem, I rolled it up about a centimeter, ironed it to make a little pleat, then rolled it up another centimeter for a small hem. The stitch is along the top of the hem.
I won't bore you with all the details; it's a simple, two panel skirt. If anyone needs help with figuring out how to do one, I'd happily help. It's a freaking rectangle, after all, but i wanted it to be long and rather straight.
Here is a close-up of my elastic channel. You can see the stitches where the bed sheet was orignally hemmed. If it were something that would show, I would take a darker thread (or maybe even white) and sew some zig-zags between the two hems at the bottom for decoration.
Of course, I can't do anything without at least a little help from this Booger. He worked well in weighting my fabric down so I could pin it.
This idea is for my Steampunk Misty cosplay. I'm not that into showing off my legs, and there is no way I would be seen in public wearing a belly shirt and short shorts. Sorry. So, when I thought of steampunking her, I envisioned the yellow of her belly shirt, the blue of her shorts, and the red of her suspenders. I knew there were also different version of her outfits throughout the series.
In case you are unfamiliar with Pokemon, here are some images of Misty throughout the games and anime.
The yellow color is not only representative of the shirt, but it is also close enough a skin tone that it could also represent skin. The blue bustle is obviously representative of her short shorts. My corset is red, which is for her suspenders. This is for the middle Misty, which is from the anime. It could just as easily be for the Misty on the right.
I am also considering making a jacket for this ensemble, though I haven't decided the color. Any suggestions?
Also, I have been toying around with the idea of dying the yellow either with tea or brown dye just to darken it up a little. It seems pretty buttery and bright to me. What do you think?
I know some of this is hard to envision because all you have to go by is the bed sheet skirt, but it will come together! I promise!
Steamunk September,
WIP Wednesday
Monday, September 9, 2013
Musing Mondays: Interviews and More
Last week, I told you about my upcoming interview for a first grade position in which I would have to teach a 10 minute lesson to a panel of evaluators. Well, since it was the first day back from school from a three-day weekend, dismissal was a bit difficult. They were running about 20 minutes behind, according to one of the interviewers. I was in the middle of the interviewees; the lady before me looked a little older than me and may have had some teaching experience, and the lady after me looked to be about my age and probably didn't have teaching experience.
I had modified a lesson plan I had found online and explained that for a ten minute lesson. I explained to the panel that I thought it would need to be something that was part of a unit so that I was able to show more of my teaching style. They did warn me that because they were running quite a bit behind, they may cut me off early, but it wouldn't be a bad thing -- it was just to get to the second part of the interview.
I was ridiculously nervous, so I thought that my interview didn't go that great. I was off my game because I saw the lady go in before me that looked much more prepared. It was also the first time I've taught to a panel of adults in a while.
Thursday, I got an email from another school that wanted me to interview for a kindergarten position. She said she had tried to call me, but I had no missed calls on my cell phone. It turns out that she had called my house phone about three times prior to sending me an email. Oops. My house phone's answering machine is kind of broken; by kind of, I mean that it will record messages, but you sound like Swedish Chef underwater when I try to play them back.
Anyway, I replied to the email saying I would love to interview, but I didn't get a response until after school. She had said she was doing interviews on Thursday, but scheduled me for Friday morning at 9 am, and included that she was supposed to be through by 10.
Thursday night when we went to check on Harley, our sick dog, he was not doing well. He had gotten up and moved from the shed to his favorite spot since that morning; however, he looked like he couldn't get up again. We gave him his pill in a hot dog, which he happily gobbled up along with a slice of bread, but he wouldn't drink. We tried to give him a little more bread, but he didn't want it. He tried to get up, but he didn't have the strength to lift his head and his breathing was labored. Mom was crying and we knew it wasn't long now.
The next morning, mom went to check on him and was prepared for the worst or taking him to the vet. He had died overnight. This was nearly a month after the vet trip where he tried to tell us to go ahead and put him to sleep. For a month, we took him canned food twice daily, gave him his pills in bread, and told him we loved him every day. He died lying in his favorite spot in the yard, even before he got sick, which makes me feel better than knowing it was in a cold, impersonal vet's office.
Zach was kind enough to help dig a hole and let us bury him in their spacious yard. Mom told his dad "All of my other babies are buried in my ex-in-laws'" to which he finished "So you decided to bury him at your new in-laws'." Even though that's not technically correct, it was sweet.
Unfortunately, this also made me about 5 minutes late for my interview on Friday. I explained to the principal, who was sympathetic because a similar situation was going on in her family. It kind of acted as a strange, sad bonding experience between us.
I don't know if it was the strange, sad bond that we automatically had, the fact that it was a one-on-one interview, or the fact that it was my fourth interview in two weeks that made me so much more relaxed, but I really was. She mentioned that they are working with my alumni university on an ELL program. I smiled and said, "Oh, Project HAPPENS? Helping Academic Professionals Prepare ELLs for Newfound Success? I actually named that." So, +1 for me. I was sure to email the professor that developed Project HAPPENS to let him know.
I still haven't heard anything from them, but I'm still hopeful.
Also, prepare yourself for Steampunk September as I get started on my costumes in full swing!
I had modified a lesson plan I had found online and explained that for a ten minute lesson. I explained to the panel that I thought it would need to be something that was part of a unit so that I was able to show more of my teaching style. They did warn me that because they were running quite a bit behind, they may cut me off early, but it wouldn't be a bad thing -- it was just to get to the second part of the interview.
I was ridiculously nervous, so I thought that my interview didn't go that great. I was off my game because I saw the lady go in before me that looked much more prepared. It was also the first time I've taught to a panel of adults in a while.
Thursday, I got an email from another school that wanted me to interview for a kindergarten position. She said she had tried to call me, but I had no missed calls on my cell phone. It turns out that she had called my house phone about three times prior to sending me an email. Oops. My house phone's answering machine is kind of broken; by kind of, I mean that it will record messages, but you sound like Swedish Chef underwater when I try to play them back.
Anyway, I replied to the email saying I would love to interview, but I didn't get a response until after school. She had said she was doing interviews on Thursday, but scheduled me for Friday morning at 9 am, and included that she was supposed to be through by 10.
Thursday night when we went to check on Harley, our sick dog, he was not doing well. He had gotten up and moved from the shed to his favorite spot since that morning; however, he looked like he couldn't get up again. We gave him his pill in a hot dog, which he happily gobbled up along with a slice of bread, but he wouldn't drink. We tried to give him a little more bread, but he didn't want it. He tried to get up, but he didn't have the strength to lift his head and his breathing was labored. Mom was crying and we knew it wasn't long now.
The next morning, mom went to check on him and was prepared for the worst or taking him to the vet. He had died overnight. This was nearly a month after the vet trip where he tried to tell us to go ahead and put him to sleep. For a month, we took him canned food twice daily, gave him his pills in bread, and told him we loved him every day. He died lying in his favorite spot in the yard, even before he got sick, which makes me feel better than knowing it was in a cold, impersonal vet's office.
Zach was kind enough to help dig a hole and let us bury him in their spacious yard. Mom told his dad "All of my other babies are buried in my ex-in-laws'" to which he finished "So you decided to bury him at your new in-laws'." Even though that's not technically correct, it was sweet.
Unfortunately, this also made me about 5 minutes late for my interview on Friday. I explained to the principal, who was sympathetic because a similar situation was going on in her family. It kind of acted as a strange, sad bonding experience between us.
I don't know if it was the strange, sad bond that we automatically had, the fact that it was a one-on-one interview, or the fact that it was my fourth interview in two weeks that made me so much more relaxed, but I really was. She mentioned that they are working with my alumni university on an ELL program. I smiled and said, "Oh, Project HAPPENS? Helping Academic Professionals Prepare ELLs for Newfound Success? I actually named that." So, +1 for me. I was sure to email the professor that developed Project HAPPENS to let him know.
How I felt walking back to my car.
I still haven't heard anything from them, but I'm still hopeful.
Also, prepare yourself for Steampunk September as I get started on my costumes in full swing!
Musing Monday,
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
WIP Wednesdays: Starfish Wrap-Up
I know you have to be so tired of hearing about this stupid starfish headpiece by now! There is good news, though: I'm practically finished with him!
In case you've been living under a rock since 1995, this is Staryu. He's one of the original 151 Pokemon, so I guess to be fair, I should say "unless you've been living under a rock since 1995 OR you hopped on the Pokemon bandwagon after the first few generations." Staryu's gem doesn't seem as bright in this picture, but you can see the weird little gem holder thong that he does have. (I've checked other angles -- it's only around one leg.) I also changed the coloration to look a little more realistic, such as trying to make him look more porous like an actual starfish.
I finally hot glued his gem and holder to his body, which is a huge relief for me. I was afraid of losing parts of him. I also cut out a star from some stiff felt and hot glued it as a backing. All I lack is gluing on the clips to keep him in my hair.
Even though I have yet to wear him, I love him. I've put a lot of time and effort into him and tried to correct as many imperfections as I could, though some were not avoidable. At least they are hardly noticeable from personal-space-distance.
After my interview yesterday, I thought long and hard about going to get a cupcake as a reward. I managed to calm myself and decided to go to Thrift Mart instead. Instead of gaining calories, I lost them walking around. Take that, fat.
I also gained a pair of pants, shirt, large skirt that I will need to take in, and a very large bed sheet that I can use for sewing my skirt. I was looking for a yellowish color and this color is nearly what I was looking for. For $2, I think I can spend some time aging it to make it a little less bright. (I tried to take a picture, but the brightness just was not coming through.)
Just a heads-up for what's coming next.
Source, along with a game!
That's right, he's a Pokemon. If that isn't enough of a hint, I made a Staryu, who is one of Misty's main Pokemon. I'm not planning on doing a traditional Misty because that would look absolutely horrible on me; as I've said, we are doing steampunk trainers.
I finally hot glued his gem and holder to his body, which is a huge relief for me. I was afraid of losing parts of him. I also cut out a star from some stiff felt and hot glued it as a backing. All I lack is gluing on the clips to keep him in my hair.
Even though I have yet to wear him, I love him. I've put a lot of time and effort into him and tried to correct as many imperfections as I could, though some were not avoidable. At least they are hardly noticeable from personal-space-distance.
After my interview yesterday, I thought long and hard about going to get a cupcake as a reward. I managed to calm myself and decided to go to Thrift Mart instead. Instead of gaining calories, I lost them walking around. Take that, fat.
I also gained a pair of pants, shirt, large skirt that I will need to take in, and a very large bed sheet that I can use for sewing my skirt. I was looking for a yellowish color and this color is nearly what I was looking for. For $2, I think I can spend some time aging it to make it a little less bright. (I tried to take a picture, but the brightness just was not coming through.)
Just a heads-up for what's coming next.
hot glue,
nail polish,
WIP Wednesday
Monday, September 2, 2013
Musing Mondays: Interview, Interviews
Happy Labor Day!
So, originally, I thought it was only going to be an interview on Tuesday. I spent the entire time from Friday until Tuesday freaking out about it and wasn't able to do much crafting. (Although I probably should have to keep my mind occupied.)
For starters, I have developed a small crack in my tire, which means it doesn't stay inflated really well and I am kind of at risk of having a blowout. The drive to my interview was about 45 miles or so and the majority was highway/interstate. I was a little wary about driving on it, so I asked mom if she would mind since she was off work. (Zach had to work and I really appreciated the company on the way to keep my mind off of it.)
I knew that the interview on Tuesday was going to be a pre-screening panel and there was going to be a computerized and personal portion. I was a nervous wreck because of this...not to mention I've never had an interview for a job like this before. I had 30 minutes to answer two questions on the computer. One dealt with how we demonstrate expectations to our students and the other was a data analysis.
They lead me to a room afterwards with some tables, a computer, and an ActivBoard where they displayed my written answers. There were only two teachers on the panel, a kindergarten and first grade teacher. (Apparently there was supposed to be a third, but she didn't show up.) I had to explain my answers to the written prompts and answer a few more questions. The personal interview was probably over thirty minutes long. When they asked if I had any questions for them, I just sighed heavily and said, "Is it over? Can I relax now?"
They could tell I was nervous, but they seemed pretty impressed with some of my answers. For example, when we were looking at data, I said that I would look at my students first and note any students who had been identified with special needs or were English Language Learners. Then I would see if there were students who had something to happen at home, were sick, or anything else that could affect their performance. I guess others hadn't thought of this answer? It was the first thing I thought of -- knowing my students.
I also got to share one of my favorite stories from student teaching. I'll give you the shorter version. My "mentor" teacher had already labeled this student as a 'bad kid'. He went home every day with his color below green (which means he had gotten in trouble several times during the day). One day, he checked in late and was amazing all day long. I sent him home on the highest color that I could. I also wrote a note to his dad and sent home with him. Because he was in first grade, he couldn't read cursive, so I was sure to write the whole note in cursive. It was nothing but positive, glowing reviews of his child. The next day, I put on my authoritative teacher face and asked, "Did your dad see the note I sent him?" "...yes..." "What'd he say?" "He was so proud of me!" I had no behavioral issues from this student the rest of the time I was there.
Anyway, Mom asked when I should hear from a principal. I had no idea when to expect anything because it was just a pre-screening interview.
I got a phone call around two or three in the afternoon that day for an interview with a principal at a new elementary school as a first grade teacher. Want to talk about nervous? Just writing down the interview time and that I have to present a ten minute lesson to the administration and what might be my team gave me butterflies. So many things were flooding my mind -- the most important one was "What lesson can I present in ten minutes that sums up my teaching style?" I know that's more of what they are wanting to see.
About an hour later, I got a phone call from another school district asking if I could do a last-minute interview. This would be another pre-screening interview that seemed much less intense than Tuesday's. The only issue was that it was the next day at 11:15. It wasn't the short notice that bothered me so much, as I had just finished an interview; I was still on the high from nailing it, apparently. I was worried that it was two hours away and I had that bum tire. (I was planning on getting it fixed Thursday!)
Oh my god, I love this commercial. Every time. No matter how many times I see it.
Also, this image is from CafePress where this has been made on a flask.
I know it's also on a shirt. You know you want it.
Zach didn't have to go into work on Thursday until late -- like 8pm late -- so he went with me. I was more than comfortable with this because it was the town he went to college in and he was more familiar with the area than I was. I was extremely careful while driving and we got there without any problems with 30 minutes to spare. I'm very glad I was that early because the interviewer came to ask for the girl whose appointment was at 11 about three times (prior to 11).
I feel like 15 minutes was more than enough time for these interviews. They only asked four questions and seemed like they wanted shorter responses than I gave the other panel. There were only two women taking part in the interview, but there was another in the room. I admitted that I was not too familiar with the district as I live so far away and one happily told me a summary. I asked about the English Language Learner population, which seemed to thrill one and surprise the other.
Unfortunately, all these interviews at irregular times and unpredictable times makes it hard to fit exercising in. I've done well on my diet, though. Zach just commented that we haven't had Taco Bell in like a month. So, while I have been watching my calorie intake, I haven't always been able to exercise this week. I've only lost a pound. Well, that's better than nothing. I feel like I can feel a difference. I also think my clothes are starting to fit better. That may just be my imagination, though.
Again, sorry for my spotty posts. I've been unpredictably busy last week. If I actually get this job, it'll be another stretch until I can really start posting again. Thanks for sticking with me! :)
Musing Monday,
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Hey. I'm Jeshi and I like to craft all kinds of things. Thanks to the wonders of the internet we DIY-ers can share our processes with others. Want to know more about me? Click here.
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